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Simsek S, Ütük A.E., Koroglu E., Rishniw M. 2008. Serological and Molecular Studies onDirofilaria immitis in Dogs from Turkey, Journal of Helminthology, 82, 181-186.Ütük A.E., Simsek S., Koroglu E., McMAnus D.P. 2008. Molecular GeneticCharacterization of Different Isolates of Echinococcus granulosus in East and SoutheastRegions of Turkey, Acta Tropica, 107, 192-194.Sarımehmetoglu B., Aksoy M.H., Ayaz N.D., Ayaz Y., Küplülü Ö., Kaplan Y.Z., 2009.Detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in ground beef using immunomagnetic separation andmultiplex PCR. Food Control, April 20: 357–361.Ertürk A., Çizmeci Ş.Ç., Barut M.F., 2008. Protection and Control of Viral Equine Diseasein Turkey. 17th International Conferance of Racing Analysts and Veterinarians (ICRAV) 11-17 October, Antalya/TurkeyErtürk A., Çizmeci Ş.Ç., Barut M.F., 2008. Field Studies for Bluetongue in Turkey. Fp6-MEDREONET, 2 nd Annually meeting, 08-11 December, Teramo/ ItaliaKeskin F. İ., N. Yazıcıoğlu, S. Kaya, E. Turhan, 2008. Detection of Caffeine, Lidocaine,Pentobarbital and Phenylbutazone in Horse Urine. 17. International Conference of RacingAnalysts and Veterinarians. 11-17 October, Antalya/Turkey.Çalışkan E, Burgu İ, Özkul A. (2008): Analysis Of the heamagglutinin gene of CanineDistemper virus izolates in naturally infected dogs in Turkey . XIV. International VirologyCongress 10-15 August, İstanbul/TurkeyYeşilbağ K. Güngör B., Antibody prevalence against respiratory viruses in sheep and goatsin North-Western Turkey. Trop.anim.health Prod. (2008) Aug 28 (Epup Ahead of print)Yeşilbağ K, Güngör B., Seroprevalence of bovine respiratory viruses in North-WesternTurkey. Trop Anim Health Prod. 2008 Jan;40(1):55-60.Yeşilbağ K, Yılmaz Z., Güngör B., Prevalence of antibodies to bovine respiratory viruses incattle infected with bovine immunodeficiency virus. Vet Rec. 2008 May 17;162(20):660-1.ESKİŞEHİR Toprak ve Su Kaynakları A.EÇetin, Ö., D. Uygan, 2008. The effect of drip line spacing, irrigation regimes and plantinggeometries of tomato on yield, irrigation water use efficiency and net return. AgriculturalWater Management, Volume 95, Issue 8, August 2008, Pages 949-958.Çetin, Ö. , Uygan,D., H Boyacı, 2008. Tomato irrigation scheduling improved by usingpercent canopy cover and crop developmental stage.Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, Volume 59 Number 12, pp. 1113-1120.ANKARA/Lalahan Hayvancılık Merkez A.E.Ateşşahin A, Bucak M N, Tuncer P B, Kızıl M (2008). Effects Of Anti-Oxi<strong>da</strong>nt AdditivesOn Microscopic And Oxi<strong>da</strong>tive Parameters Of Angora Goat Semen Following The Freze-Thawing Process. Small Ruminant Research, 77, 38 - 44.Bucak MN, Ateşşahin A, Yüce A (2008). Effect of anti-oxi<strong>da</strong>nts and oxi<strong>da</strong>tive stressparameters on ram semen after the freeze-thawing process. Small Rumin Res, 75: 128-134.Arat S, Bagis H, Er<strong>da</strong>g B, Aktoprakligil D, Özdemir A, Balcioglu KB, Ozturk U, Daskin A,Tekin N, Kaymaz M, Uysal O, Akcay O, Ertugrul O, Akyuz B, Gucuyener O, Kurar E, BulutZ, Altunok V, Nizamlioglu M, Dinc DA, Semacan A, Coyan K, Guler M, Ataman M,

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