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3SummaryThe Ergenekon trials have marked one of the most critical political turning points in modern day Turkeyby revealing the illegal political involvement of the certain groups within the military bureaucracy andof the civilian networks who have common interests (political and economic) with those groups.Links of the defendants to the organizations allegedly responsible for the extrajudicial killings of Kurdishpeople in the 1990s such as Susurluk, Yüksekova Gang, JİTEM and Special Forces Command, have raisedexpectations within society that the grave human rights violations of the 1990s would finally be revealed.However, the verdicts reached by the court of first instance in August 2013 showed that the criminalgrounds of the Ergenekon case solely consisted of the plotted coups against the government and thusexcluded the human rights violations of the 1990s.The information gathered during the Ergenekon trials presents a very important opportunity to revealthe “Ergenekon beyond the River Euphrates”, an extremely significant aspect of Turkey’s coming toterms with the past. This report, a compilation of information on the indictments and the case dossier,primarily aims to reveal the grave human rights violations that occurred from the 1990s till the launch ofthe trial. As TESEV Democratization Program, we hope that the report helps the human rightsdefenders and lawyers in bringing the serious human rights violations to light as well as in deepeningtheir knowledge on the case dossier, and that it will contribute to the process of coming to terms withthe past in Turkey.

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