Mizanpaj 1 - Tcdd

Mizanpaj 1 - Tcdd

Mizanpaj 1 - Tcdd

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İşletme FaaliyetleriOPERATING ACTIVITIESTarımsal Ürünler ve Canlı HayvanlarAgricultural Products and Live AnimalsMADDE CİnSLERİnE GÖRE TAŞIMALAR (Bİn TOn-KM)Gıda Maddeleri ve Hububat Food products and grains 185.117 96.384 -48 953 969 2Keresteler ve Ağaç Ürünleri Timbers and wood products 80.277 198.121 147 1.005 1.256 25Toplam Total 265.394 294.505 11 968 1.145 18Katı Yakıtlar Solid FuelsKömür Coal 1.075.125 927.078 -14 390 377 -4Petrol Ürünleri Oil ProductsAkaryakıt,Asfalt,Zift,Katran 605.710 676.603 12 616 619 1Fuel oil, Asphalt, Pitch, TarCevherler OresDemir Cevheri Iron ore 2.104.207 3.000.293 43 553 570 3Krom Chrome 61.363 70.023 14 610 544 -11Manyezit Magnesite 90.610 256.524 183 379 338 -11Borasit Boracite 135.112 115.993 -14 332 197 -41Klinker Clinker 67.408 37.535 -44 312 374 20Toplam Total 2.458.700 3.480.368 42 515 509 -1Metalurji Üretimi Metallurgy ProductionDemir, Çelik ve Ürünleri 585.288 497.482 -15 662 640 -3İnşaat Malzemeleri Construction MaterialsKum Sand 48.266 90.515 88 173 210 21Borular Pipes 27.040 725 -97 670 1.747 161İnşaat Mal. Construction Mat. 45.633 38.491 -16 475 295 -38Kireç,Tebeşir,Alçı, Alçı taşı 72.846 95.963 32 372 252 -32Lime, Chalk, Plaster, plaster stoneÇimento Cement 174.322 151.607 -13 652 587 -10Seramik Ceramic 251.086 359.406 43 1.056 1.077 2Mermer Marble 83.769 1.022 -99 511 161 -69Toplam Total 702.962 737.729 5 549 479 -13Gübre Fertilizer 135.935 114.492 -16 783 676 -14Konteyner Container 2.105.442 2.317.013 10 380 396 4Araç Makina Vehicle Machine2009 20102009-2010 Fark %’si% Diff. of 2009-2010Ortalama Taşıma Mesafesi (km)Average Transportation Distance (km)2009 2010 Faks %’siYük Vagonu Freight Car 61.331 81.795 33 308 299 -3Makinalar Machinery 15.430 4.965 -68 925 572 -38Toplam Total 76.761 86.760 13 356 100 -72Askeri Taşıma Military Transportation 150.096 114.309 -24 744 694 -7Diğer Taşıma Other Transportation 1.446.665 1.035.276 -10 1.051 940 -10Uluslararası International 854.683 1.018.387 19 362 378 4Genel Toplam General Total 10.162.761 11.300.002 11 478 474 -1FREIGHT TRAFFIC BY TYpE OF COMMODITY (THOUSAnD TOnnE- KM)95

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