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BALCI Nilgün, “İK Departmanları Gerekli mi?”, Power Dergisi (Aralık2002), s. 104-107.BARNEY J. B., “Types Of Competition And The Teory Of Strategy: TowardAn Integrative Framework”, Academy of Management Review, 11 (1986), s.791-800.BARNEY Jay B., “Organizational Culture: Can It Be a Source of SustainedCompetitive Advantage?”, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 11, No. 3(1996), s. 656-666;BARTON Dororthy Leonard, “The Factory as a Learning Laboratory”, SloanManagement Review (Fall 1992), s. 23-36.BARTON Dorthy L., “Core Capabilities And Core Rigidites: A Paradox inManaging New Product Development, Strategic Management Journal,1992, Vol. 13, s. 112-113.BARTON Dorthy L., “The Factory as a Learning Laboratory”, SloanManagement Review (Fall 1992), s. 33-34.BEARD David, “Learning To Change Organization”, PersonnelManagement, Vol. 25, No. 1 (January 1993), s. 32-35.BLANCHARD Ken and Micheal O’CONNOR (Çev. Kader AY), DeğerlerleYönetim, Epsilon Ya. (İstanbul: 1997), s. 35.BOLAT Tamer, Toplam Kalite Yönetimi ve Konaklama İşletmelerindeUygulanması, Beta Ya. (İstanbul: 2000), s. 164-166;BOLMAN Lee G. and Terrence E. DEAL, Reframing Organizations,Jossey-Bass Publishers (San Francisco: 1991), s. 101-109;BUĞDAYCI Ahmet, “Yeni Milenyum Müşteri Profili”, Capital Dergisi, Y.7, S. 8 (Ağustos 1999), s. 74-75;CAMPBELL Andrew and Kathleen S. LUCHS, Temel Yetenek TabanlıStrateji: İşletmeler Arasında Temel Yeteneklere Kaldıraç GücüUygulamak, Epsilon Ya. (istanbul: 2002), s. 284-286.CAN Halil ve Diğerleri, Genel İşletmecilik Bilgileri, Adım Yayıncılık(Ankara: 1990), s.184-185.CHAMBERLAIN Neil W., Enterprise and Environment, McGraw Hill(new York: 1968), s. 13-35.CONNER Kathleen, “A Historical Comparison of Resorce-Based Theory andFive Schools of Thought Within Industrial Organization Economics: Do WeHave a New Theory of the Firm”, Journal of Management, Vol. 17, No. 1(1991), s. 127-128, 133.186

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