10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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Loc 12 (29 JuneıThis locality is the site of the Sivapiıhecus fossil that was reco<strong>ve</strong>redin the i 960's. Bone was eroding out at the base of a 5 m thick unconsolidatedboulder/cobble conglomerate. Because workers were indanger of being struck by one of these falling rocks, we e1ected to remo<strong>ve</strong>the conglomerate with a bulldozer. This operation took place at the<strong>ve</strong>ry end of the field season, and required more time than we anticipated.We feel that the site is now prepared for salvage excavations to commencenext season.The faunal list for this locality now comprises the following taxa:?AyesChelorıia irıdet.Orycteropodidae indet.Rodentia indet,Lagomorpha indet.Sivapithecus meteai (in MTA collections)Suidae indet,Giraffidae indet,Gazella sp. (Taııcyrensis, capricorııis )Hipparian sp. indet.Rhinocerotidae indet.Gomphotheriidae indet.Carnivora indet.Loc 42 (4 July)Our salvage excavations at locality 42 included a limited exeavationat the end of the i 993 field season. This work was somewhat hindered bya wheat field that is planted on top of the locality. Our excavations re<strong>ve</strong>aledrich concentrations of bone, and this site will be a focus of nextyear's activities.The faunal list for this locality now comprises the following taxa:Gastropoda indet.Microstonyx sp. indet,Giraffidae indet,Caprotragoides stehliniBoselaphini indet.196

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