10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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number is preseı<strong>ve</strong>d as paıt of the record for each catalogued specimen,and the original field record sheets are alsa preser<strong>ve</strong>d.Exeavation activitiesExeavation at the individual sites is deseribed here in the order İnwhich their datum points were established.AIl excavations were elosedand co<strong>ve</strong>red at the end of the season. The sites are shown in Figure ı.Loc 94 (6 June )This locality is situated near the rıorthern saddie of Sinaptepe, low inthe Middle Sinap series. it is the stratigraphically second-lowest localitywhich has produced in-sim fossils of the equid Hipparian (the lowest isthe adjacent loc 4, see below). Small soundings taken here in 1992 produced127 fossils from a dense concentration, mostly of the hyaenid Thalassictismonıadai and a smail gazelle-like bovid. This association andthe unusual taphorıomy suggested that the locality might represent a carnivoreden. These stratigraphic and taphonomic considerations promptedelıoice of this locality for exeavation.No rich concentrations like that of the 1992 soundings were encouteredin excavation, but the loca1ity continued to yield specimensthroughout operations. 153 specimens were reco<strong>ve</strong>red in 1993, bringingtotal up to 280. The assemblage reco<strong>ve</strong>red is taxonomical1y unusual forSinap, and contains se<strong>ve</strong>ral rare elemerıts, such as the first hyracoid specimene<strong>ve</strong>r reco<strong>ve</strong>red from the Sinap Forruation (AS.93.546, a fragmentarypremolar - a second specimen was taken later at loc 49, see be­10w). Three additional specimens of Hipparian were reco<strong>ve</strong>red,confirming both the preserıce of this taxon and its extreme rarity at thisle<strong>ve</strong>!.The faunal list for this locality now cornprises the following taxa:Chelonia indetRodentia indet.?Tragulidae indet.Giraffidae indet.Bovidae indet. (smailer than Gazella)Hipparton sp. indetHyracoidea indet.Mustelidae indet.Protictitherium crassunıThalassictis montadai192

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