10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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The background of the Sinap Project has been gi<strong>ve</strong>n in the previousreports cited abo<strong>ve</strong> and the main results up to the 1992 field season aresununarised by Kappelman et al. (in press). Briefly, the later Miocene SinapFormation of the Ankara region, Central Anatolia, has produced arich fossil fauna ineluding important hominoid rernains (üzansoy, 1955,1957, 1965; Andrews & Tekkaya, 1980), but the chronological and palaeoecologicalcorıtexts of the fauna are not well understood. In additionto in<strong>ve</strong>stigating the context of the hominoid fossils the aims of the SinapProject ha<strong>ve</strong> increasingly turned towards use of the long stratigraphicsections and rich faunas to establish local geo-and biostratigraphies thatcan be tied to global chronologies. if this end is achie<strong>ve</strong>d and sufficientlyrich faunas are reco<strong>ve</strong>red, the Sinap Foııııation has the potential of tyingthe floating European Neogene biochronology (the MN system; Mein,1975, 1990) to the global chronology and further of becoming a standardfor intercontinental stratigraphic correlations for the Old Worl Neogene.The exeavation team of 1993 was managed under the directorship ofProf. Ilhan Temizsoy jointly by Prof. Dr. Berna Alpagut, Dr. Mikael Forteliusand Prof. John Kappelman. The team included Dr. Şevket Şen, Dr.Philip Gibbard, Dr. Juha-Pekka Lurıkka, Mr. Hakan Aygün, Ms. JoyBecker, Mr. Hürkan Çelebi, Mr. Alexander Duncan, Mr. Ayhan Ersoy,Mr. Unal Karaduman, Mr. Brian Richmond, Ms. Lena Selanne. Ms.Phoebe Stubblefield, Ms. Banu Taşçı, Ms. Suvi Viranta and as go<strong>ve</strong>rnmentobser<strong>ve</strong>rs, Ms.Şerife Gül, Ms, İsmet Aykut and Ms. Ayşe Karaduman.To all these we wish to express our sineere gratitude. We also wishto thank the students from the Ankara Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity Faculty of Language,Historyand Geography, who participated for various lengths of time.We would like to express our thanks to the General Director of Antiquityand Museums and to the Head of the Exeavation Department fortheir kind help in . obtaining the. necessary permissions. We are greatlyindebted to the Dsı of Ankara (ürencik Gölet construction site) for theuse of their heavy machinery for elearing operations at loc 12. We wouldalso like to express our gratitude to our exeellent workmen Mr. AliOzcan, Mr. Bahattin Demir, Mr. Murat Metin and Mr. Ramazan Koçakand to Mr. Celal Metin of Kazan Taksi for solving a hecatomb of logisticproblems during the field season. Finally, our most sineere thanks to Mr.ıbrahim Abacı of Yassıören village for valuable and patient instructionconcerning the history of previous excavations and old place namesaround Sinaptepe. The sur<strong>ve</strong>y was supported by grants from the NationalSeience Foundation (to John Kappelman) and the Academy of Finland(to Mikael Fortelius).190

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