10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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GEOMORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE SİNAPTEPEHakan YİGİTBAŞIOGLU *Süha KOCAKUŞAKThe Sinap Tepe (Tepe means hill) is located noıthwesı of Ankara,near of Kazan which is situated on Ankara-İstanbul road. Hill has beenformed with large flat surface when his fırst stage of occurance. Later,this fiat surface, affect of tectonic mo<strong>ve</strong>ments and climatic changes, iscutted by ri<strong>ve</strong>rs and separated to smailer parts. The Sinap Tepe is preser<strong>ve</strong>dpart of that plateau until today.Volcanic activity has begun Paleocene in Arıkara region and continuedrather dynamic until middle Miocene. VoıCanic activity graduallylost his violency towards to Mioceııe-Pliocene boundary. Meanwhile,materials of Köroğlu Moııntains has been transported by ri<strong>ve</strong>rs and accumulatedon valley and basins. Today, this pieces of plateaıı has aboutII00 m elevation that has been cutted into pieces affect of neotectonicmo<strong>ve</strong>ments. The Sinap Tepe is separated by steep slope from higher erosinalsurface,The Sinap Tepe is preser<strong>ve</strong>d with conglomerate layer which formedfrom bonded volcanic pebble and blocks. The Sinap Tepe has rather flatsıırface on top. Inclination of slope is less than % ı. it is surrounded withconglomerate layer which looks like a wall by a majority. Neogene sedimentscan has casy weatheıing feature for this reason, slope which is underconglomerate, is gently inclination. Cement of conglomerate is notenoııgh strong, as a resıılt of this some big pieces of rocks can lea<strong>ve</strong> fromconglomerate. .This area has a humid region in Pliocene, as a resıılt of this, largematerials has been transported by ri<strong>ve</strong>rs.The Sinap Tepe surrounded with V shaped valleys. They ha<strong>ve</strong> beencııtted surface 80-90 m depth. Neogene sediments has been cutted rapidlyby ri<strong>ve</strong>rs and valleys ha<strong>ve</strong> de<strong>ve</strong>loped to backward. After that erosion,narrow ridges occured, like Seyit Tepe, Dedelik Tepe, Deli KayıncakTepe and Gavıır Tepe, southwest and northwest side of the Sinap Tepe.* Yard.Doç.Dr. Hakan YIölTBAŞIOGLU, Ankara Üni<strong>ve</strong>rsitesi Dil <strong>ve</strong> Tarih Coğrafya Fakülresi.CoğrafyaBölümü, Sıhhiye ANKARA .. .Yard.Doç. Dr. Süha KOCAKUŞAK, Ankara Üni<strong>ve</strong>rsitesi Dil <strong>ve</strong> Tarih Coğrafya Fakültesi.Coğrafya Bölümü, Sıhhiye ANKARA183

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