10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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length (when considered with the Kavak Dere sections) of SOO m. Thisseetion is one of the longest conforrnable seclions known in the region.Palemagnetic re<strong>ve</strong>rsal straligraphy should provide us with an opportıınityto more precisely date the Kavak Dere localilies, and to determine thetemporal position of the Kavak Dere localities relati<strong>ve</strong> to those of the Sinapregion.MAPPING WITH THE INFRARED TACHEOMETERTHEODOLITEWe also extended our efforts from 1992 in mapping with the InfraredTacheometer-Theodolite. This instrument enables us to more accuratelymap the fossil localities as well as the sedimentological sections. By linkingstation data from this year with that from previous years, we wille<strong>ve</strong>ntually be able to create accurate three-dimensional geological maps,which will help us to understand the evolution of the local landformsthrough time.FOSSILLOCALlTY SURVEYThe primary efforts of the sur<strong>ve</strong>y team during 1993 were concerıtratedon paleomagnetic sampling, sedimentological studies, and mapping.Despite these constraints, the sur<strong>ve</strong>y still managed to disco<strong>ve</strong>r an additional8 fossil localities, all in the central area around Sinaptepe. Some ofthese (loc lOS) are important small mammal localities, while others (loc108) ha<strong>ve</strong> some of the best preser<strong>ve</strong>d large mammals that we ha<strong>ve</strong> foıındto date. The Siuap Fonııation continues to produce large numbers of fossilmammals. Future work will continue to concentrate on the disco<strong>ve</strong>ryof additional localities.THE INTERNATIONALROLE OF THE SİNAP PROJECTlu addition to being a source of high-quality fossils of terrestrial Neogeuemanımals (including hominoid primates), the Sinap Formatiorı offersan unusual opportunity to study, in detail and o<strong>ve</strong>r long intervals, thephysical and environmenta! changes that ha<strong>ve</strong> taken place during the evolutionof this sedimentary basin. The emerging database of stratigraphic,sedimentological, taphonomic, and palaeontological information is oneof the most complete iu existence. A main priority of the Sinap project isto make this unique primary data freely available to the scentific community.A first step in this direction is represented by a menu-dri<strong>ve</strong>rı computeriseddatabase on CD-ROM, featuring images of fossils and localities(Kappelmau & Duncau, 1993).182

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