10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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els (or conglomerates) into silts (or mudstones). This suggests more proximalsedimentary environment compared to the sedimentary sequence inthe south (ST 3 and ST 4). Tlıerefore the major part of the sediments insections ST 3 and ST 4 were probably deposited in the distal alluvial fanenvironment. Vertical facies changes in Sinaptepe and Delikayıncak (DI)sections also suggest that sediments at least in the upper part of the sequenceweredeposited in a fluvial (braided ri<strong>ve</strong>r) envirorıment. Palaeocurrentanalysis of Sinaptepe sediments shows that the sediment inputwas from the NW in alluvial fan facies. Howe<strong>ve</strong>r, fluvial sedimentsindicate wide range of current directions but conternporary flow wasmainly from the rıorth and the east. Se<strong>ve</strong>rallaterally continuous horizonsin the exposures show characteristic features [e.g., distincti<strong>ve</strong> colouring,mottling, secondary carbonate (laminae and possible pisoliths)] of palaeosolde<strong>ve</strong>lopment particularly in Sinaptepe and Delikayıncak sections.Pilot samples from these horizons were taken aııd geochemical and texturalanalyses are under preparation. Sedimentological interpretationsfrom the sediment sequences in the Kavakdere syneline and Igbek areaare tentati<strong>ve</strong>. Howe<strong>ve</strong>r, primary results suggest that at least part of thesediments in Kavakdere are lacustrine whereas sediments in the Igbek sequencemay represent alluviallfluvial deposits.PALEOMAGNETIC REVERSAL STRATIGRAPHYOur paleomagnetic field collecting and mapping this year was corıcentratedin following two topics: 1) we extended already existing palaomagneticsections, and 2) we conducted more mapping to provide accuratestratigraphic data for our paleomagnetic sections.A new paleomagnetic seetion was placed on Yellidoruk to the east ofSinaptepe. This series of outcrops appears to be stratigraphically lowerthan the sediments of Sinaptepe or Gavur Tepe, but probably conformablewith these other sections. Thus, the paleomagnetic seetion on Yellidorukmay provide us with a much longer seetion in the Sinaptepe seetion.These data will in turn would permit a more accıırate dating of thefossillocalities on Sinaptepe, Delikayıncak Tepe, and Gavur Tepe. Sincelocalities in this region span MN zones 8, 9 and i O, we feel that this newpaleomagnetic is essential to anehoring the European MN biozonation toabsolute time.A second paleomagnetic seetion was placed in Beyce Dere which isimmediately to the east of Kavak Dere. Beyce Dere sediments aı'e conformablewith those of Kavak Dere, and stratigraphically lower. The additionof the Beyce Dere seetion provides a total paleomagnetic seetion181

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