10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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the Old World, and the disco<strong>ve</strong>ry of se<strong>ve</strong>ral biotite-bearing tuffs in thearea promise further radiometric tiepoints in the near future (samples currentlybeing dated by Carl Swisher at Berkeley). The main results of theSinap Project up to the 1992 field season are summarised by Kappelmanet aL. (in press).The latest (1993) field season brought full scale sedimentological researchto Sinap for the first time, and we wish to elaborate on this newaspect here. Ozansoy (1957, 1965) divided Sinap Forrnatiorı into threemembers. He noted a conformable contact between lower and middlemembers, and an. erosional unconformity between the middle and theupper members. Ongür (1976) in his unpublished geological report recognizedthe validity of the lithostratigraphical name Sinap Foımation andnamed an additional older unit, Pazar Foımation. Ongür (1976) also notedthat the Sinap and Pazar Formations are separated by a up to 15 mthick unit of volcanics.Observations obtained during the palaeontological and palaeomagneticstudies by the members of the Sinap Project on sedimentsand their litlıostratigraphy ha<strong>ve</strong> largely been limited to the sites wherepalaeomagnetic sampling has been carried out. Howe<strong>ve</strong>r, a tentatiye correlationand interpretation has emerged recentl y about the sediments inthe Sinap Formation. Preliminary obseıvations suggest that the SinapFormation sediments were laid down in various sedimentary environmentsincluding alluvial and lacustrine systems. During 1993 field seasondetailed sedimentological logging by Drs. Lunkka and Gibbard in Sinaptepe,Delikayıncak and Yellidoruk (Fig. 1) re<strong>ve</strong>aled that the majorpart of the sediments were most probably laid down in an alluvial system.A total amount of o<strong>ve</strong>r 400 111 of sediments was logged at nine seetions.Preliminary results indicate that the sediments in the Yellidorukwere laid down under pulsating turbulent flow conditions. Sedimentarystructures and textures also indicate that tlıe depositional e<strong>ve</strong>nts mustha<strong>ve</strong> been <strong>ve</strong>ry energetic and little or virtually no sorting ha<strong>ve</strong> occurredduring the sediment traıısport. it can be concluded that the sediments inthe Yellidorıık do not represent fluvial deposits but were most probablylaid down in the proximal alluvial fan system. Palaeocurrent analysisshows that the main sediment input (gravity flows) was mostly from tlıenorthwest,Sediments in Sinaptepe consist mainly of silt, sand and gra<strong>ve</strong>l (Fig.2). Four exposnres, oriented broadly NW-SE, show relati<strong>ve</strong>ly clear lateraland <strong>ve</strong>rtical facies changes. Sediments in the northwest (section ST 1 andST 2) show relati<strong>ve</strong>ly thick upward fining sequences from massiye grav-180

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