10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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of Payas. After this, the traek erosses a flood plain about 80 m wide inNE direction to reaeh the smooth slopes of the southern side of the northembank (Figs. 6,8). The banks of the noıthern side at this seetion gentlyslope upwards and would not pre<strong>ve</strong>nt an army getting through",At present, the northern bank of the ri<strong>ve</strong>r (Darius'side) is co<strong>ve</strong>red byorchards, while the southern part is oeeupied by rollingmills (Fig.?). Dueto the construction of a new bridge on the new motorway (which runsclose to the foothills of the Amanus) the upstream palt of the ri<strong>ve</strong>r hasbeen damaged eompletely. In addition to this the southern extension ofthe ııpper most glaeis surfaee on the southern bank of the ri<strong>ve</strong>r has almosteompletely disappeared due to a large amount of gra<strong>ve</strong>l extraction.We searehed for possible evidenee in the upper seetions of the battlefieldin the southem flank, but our efforts turned out to be futile. Thiswas largely due to the existenee of a large amount of waste from the rollingmills whieh has been deposited on the terrace surfaee for more than adecade. This has resulred in the formation of an extra sıratum on the seetion.An exeavation or digging of trenehes on the northern side of the ri<strong>ve</strong>reould pro<strong>ve</strong> fruitful in the future.BllJLlOGRAP/ıYARRIAN., /vıabasisAlexandri (History of Alexander and Indica), with an English translation by P. A. Brunt. Books: I-IV, vol. 1, 1976.BOSWüRTH. A. B.. Conquest and Enspire, The reign of Alexander ıtıe Greaı, Cambridge.1988, esp. p. 60.BURN, A. R.. Alexanderthe Grcat and Heltenistic Enıpire, London 1974. esp. pp. 109-1<strong>10.</strong>CARLSEN, J.. Alexander the Great, realityand my/lı. Rame, 1993. "Durius Ill-thc CowardKing Pointand Ccunterpoint'', by Cari Nylandcr. pp: 145-159.CURTIUS, Quintius: lltsıorae Alexandri Magni Macedonis (HislOIY of Alexander). with unEnglish translation by John C. Rolfc (Bocks: 1~IV), vol. ı. 1946.(30) For Alcxnnder's charge at the baule see: Hanunond. "Alcxunder's charge at the Baule of Issusin 333 B.C.", Hisıorio, Bnrıd XLl-1992, pp. 395-407 particularly, p. 396, footnotc; 2 andp. 402". Thus. on all counts. it was the Infantry Guard which Alexander was Icading into action".166

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