10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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Between the first and the second bridge-a distance of abont 1300 mincluding windings- the ri<strong>ve</strong>r flows in a <strong>ve</strong>ry narrow valley, which is confinedby continuous steep terrace scarps (Figs: 6,7).Terraces on both sides of the ri<strong>ve</strong>r are asymmetric in character. Onthe soutlıern side, there are three suıfaces bounded with three terrace.scarps, whi!e on the northern side, there are only two le<strong>ve</strong>ls with two terracescarps. The upper most snıface on the southern bank is a gently slopingaccnmnlation glacis, foımed on the alluvial/colluvial material fromthe foothills of the Amanus Monntains. (Indicated with fignre "1", on thephoto) this le<strong>ve</strong>l drops down to the upper terrace surface of the Pinarus,with a distinct teırace scarp. The eyebrow-like terrace scarp 1400 m inlength with a height of 2-3 m, is <strong>ve</strong>ry c1istinct, as can be seen in Fig. 6.The width of the upper terrace ranges between 60-140 metres (indicatedwith Figure "2" on the photo). At the western part of the higher terracethere are eyebrow-like minor terrace scarps, which indicate a shift of theri<strong>ve</strong>r towards the north (Fig. 6). The npper terrace descends into the 10werterrace suıface with almost <strong>ve</strong>ıtical terrace scarps with a height of 3-5m (Fig.7). The lower terrace is seen as smail patches with a diameter of15x30 m scattered on both sides of the ri<strong>ve</strong>r and forms a step dow n to theacti<strong>ve</strong> ri<strong>ve</strong>r bottom with abont 1.5 m high terrace scarp". On the northernside of the ri<strong>ve</strong>r, there is onlyone more !e<strong>ve</strong>l on the lower terrace, with adistinct continuous <strong>ve</strong>rtical terrace scarp. On the whole, the southernbank of the ri<strong>ve</strong>r is distinctly higher than the northerne. As is clear fromthe abo<strong>ve</strong>-mentioned morphological descriptions, this seetion of the valleyis similar to the second part of Callisthenes' description. Neither sidesof the valley in this seetion are suitable for cavalry charge.Obviously, the higher topography on the southern flank of the ri<strong>ve</strong>rwas a big advantage to Alexander for the purpose of observation and defence.Because of this advantage, Alexander could ha<strong>ve</strong> madesome manoeuvressecretly during the baule>.In spite of Alexander's clear advantages, deri<strong>ve</strong>d from the terrain,many modem scholars claim that Darius was on much more ad-(21) In dur opinion, the lower tcrrace did nal cxist at the time ofthc baule.(22) The renson for the asynurıetry secms lo be the grndual shift of the rivcr towards its nonhemside.(23) "Before the baule Alexander secrctly mo<strong>ve</strong>d the Thessalian cavalry from the right wing behindthefront to the lerı." (U. Wilckcn. Alexanderthe Greaı. 1967, p. 99)."He alsa dctached two squadrons of caıupaniorı cavalry and sent them to a pösition on theright which they wcreto rcach unobscrvcd by moviug behind other ıroops" (A. 2.9.3-4).164

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