10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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eient plain of Pinarus whieh is gi<strong>ve</strong>n as 14 stades ( 2.6 km) by Callisthenes.Devine« criticises Callisthenes' measurement: "Callisthcnes,howe<strong>ve</strong>r states that the distanee from the sea to the foothills of the Amanuswas only 14 stades ( 2.59 km) where the Pinarus erossed the plain.But at no sııitable point is the eoastal plain anywhere near so narrowandwhere the Payas erosses it, it is just o<strong>ve</strong>r 4 km" and also aeeepts that" therest of Callisthenes' deseription of the ri<strong>ve</strong>r and its environs fits the Payas">,and he finds a reasonable explanation for Callithenes' s ineorreetrneasurement, stating" the anomaly is, ne<strong>ve</strong>rtheless, patient of a satisfaetoryexplanation. Janke pointed out in Auf Alexanders des GrossenPfaden: eine Reise dureh Kleinasien, Berlin, 1904, 54, that one of theeharaeteristie optical effeets of high mountain range (and Amanus rises to2000 m) is to induee an underestimate of the width of the plain direetlybelow">, Indeed, Callisthenes reports the correct length of the plain ofPinarus. The delta of the Payas ri<strong>ve</strong>r (Pinarus) has expanded about LSkm sinee 333 BC. Devine also incoırectly analyses the most downstreampart of the present Payas Ri<strong>ve</strong>r-whieh did not exist at the time of the battle-from the point of view of the cavalry Cııarge (p. 8).Analysts ofthe Ri<strong>ve</strong>r Banksj;'0111 the Strategie AspeetCallisthenes' desetiption of the morphologieal features of the Pinarusvalley was paraphrased by Polybius 12.17.5: "In its upper seetion afteremerging from the mountain ' the sides of its bed were tom away' "andalsa" Where the ri<strong>ve</strong>r ran through le<strong>ve</strong>l areas as far as the sea, its bed wasmarked 'by preeipitous ridges hard to climb' and Callisthenes deseribedthis feature as ' the eyebrow of the ri<strong>ve</strong>r, precipitous and thorny' " (P.12.12.4).During our field work, we examined the entire valley of the PayasRi<strong>ve</strong>r from the foothills of the Amanus Mountains to the eoast.The first part, whieh runs between the end of the canyon and the fırstbridge, is a rather large' flood plain, whieh extends about 80 to 100 m inwidth and about 600 m in length (Figs; 5, 6). The ground is firm and eonsistsof sand, gra<strong>ve</strong>l and boulders of different sizes and the ri<strong>ve</strong>r flows ina shallow course, This seetion of the ri<strong>ve</strong>r is similar to the first part ofCallisthenes' deseription.(18) A. M. Devine (Cambridge): 'The location of the batılefield of Issus", LCM, 5.1 (Jan.1980),3-10, p.?(19) Ibid,(20) Ibid.163

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