10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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Hammond's unrealistic depiction of the paleo bed of the Pinarus ri<strong>ve</strong>rand the coastline can be regarded as a means of accommodating Darius'army, the size of which was greatly exaggerated in the ancient sources.The modern writers reduced this figure to between 75.000 and150.000 15 • On the other hand, the total for the whole aımy of Alexanderwas reportedly between 25.000 and 40.000 16 • Hamrnoııd does acknowledgethat this exaggeration was for propagandistic purposes, evidentin the estimates of Callisthenes and others, who claimed Darius'anny to nıımber betweerı 300.000 and 600.000. Like Judeich, he drawson the work of AITian (ii. 8.5-7) and Curtius (iii. 9. 1-5), which leads himto approximate a total of at least 143.000 men". Where Jııdeich attemptsto find space for this army by locating the battle along theDeliçay, Hammonddraws an erroneous coastline and paleo ri<strong>ve</strong>r bed.Hammond might also ha<strong>ve</strong> been affected by one of the statements ofArrian: "Alexander heard that Darius was in the rear but did not creditthe repoıt: he embarked some of the companions in a thirty-oared shipand sent them back to Issııs, to see if it was tnıe. They disco<strong>ve</strong>red moreeasily that the Persians were camped there, since the sea takes the formof a bay there, and reported to Alexander that Darilis was at hand".(A.2.7.2). Perhaps dııe to this description, the ancient coast looks morelike a bay than a delta. In fact, the delta has been transformed into bayson both sides, as can be obser<strong>ve</strong>d from the present Payas Delta in Figs. 2and 3. Since the delta was similarly shaped in the past, it coııld be arguedthat Arriarı is referring to one of the bays on both sides of the ancient delta(most probably the one located on the southern side, close to Alexander).Some scholars analysed the battlefield (the Payas valley) withoııthaving knowledge of an extension of a coastal plain by progradation of adelta in the course of time. Devine, for instance, who correctly estimatedthe Payas ri<strong>ve</strong>r to be the ancient Pinarııs with the help of ancient soıırces,was COITect with all the measurements except for the distance of the an-(15) See Hatnilton "It is not clcar that the Persian arıuy ccnsidcrably outnumbered Alexander'sforces; perhaps 75.000 would not be wildy wrong" p.66.(16) Tam states" He (Alexander) may ha<strong>ve</strong> had from 20.000 to 24.000 infantry in acıion buı heprobably had 5000 horses. (Tam 1979. p.26). Harmnond indicatcs u total of 40.000 men onhis map.Hammond 1989.p.Iüz.(17) This total is not gi<strong>ve</strong>n explicitly by Haınırıcııd but is the sum of the constituent uuits ınentionedin:Alexanderthe Grcaı, King, Canımander and Statesman, (1989).pp. lOl and 103.:according lo Callisthenes 30.000. heuvy-armed infantry (Greek mercerıaries); according toAITian 60.000. Pcrsian imitaters (the Cardaces); "a cavalry force of 30.000"; " a light-armedinfantry Iorce to the number of 20.000"; and "the 3.0oo-l11an Royal Cavalry Guard".162

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