10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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detail in Jurıe, 1976. He published a map which shows the ancient ri<strong>ve</strong>rcourse of the Pinarus, as well as the ancient coastline at the time of thebattle (Fig. 4). This is the only detailed map of the plain of Pinarus toshow present and paleo configurations of the ri<strong>ve</strong>r and the coast since antiquity.Unfortunately, Hammond's analysis of the paleo configurationsis not correct. He measured correctly 2.6 km on the Payas ri<strong>ve</strong>r from thefoothills of the Amanus to find the paleo location of the coast. Howe<strong>ve</strong>r,he found the exact location only at one point (i. e. where the ancientcoastal line cuts the modem ri<strong>ve</strong>r), because he incorrectly drew a conca<strong>ve</strong>coastline to show the extension of the paleo coast in both directions(Fig.4).it is a well-known fact that any kind of delta at a mouth of ari<strong>ve</strong>r- progradates by continuously forming a typical con<strong>ve</strong>x delta shape. If adelta is formed in a con<strong>ve</strong>x shape today, it must ha<strong>ve</strong> been formed in thesame shape in the past. The right configuraton of the ancient coastlinecan be seen in Fig. S. As can be obser<strong>ve</strong>d in the map (Fig. S), the ancientcoast was more or less parallel to the present coast, showing a typicaldelta shape, located about IS00 m east of the present coastline.The paleo course of the Pinarus ri<strong>ve</strong>r which is seen in the map ofHammond (Fig. 4) does not exist in the field. We walked through his assumedpaleo bed step by step, and could not find any trace of an abandonedri<strong>ve</strong>r bed. At present this Iocatiorı is a fertile plain with <strong>ve</strong>ry finesoiL. During our field work, the real abaııdoned paleo bed was found andindicated on the map (Fig.S). It staıts at about 12S0 m from the ri<strong>ve</strong>rmouth and passes near the northern edge of Payas Castle!.. in a NE-SWdirection and meets the coast near the western side of an ancient observationtower cal1ed Çin Kule. Asmall, but typical, delta form is seen at theterminal point of the paleo ri<strong>ve</strong>r bed (Fig. 3-S). As is clear from its location,the Pinarus (Payas) ri<strong>ve</strong>r must ha<strong>ve</strong> f!owed along this paleo bedsome time Iater than the battle of Issus. The smail diameter of the deltasuggests that the ri<strong>ve</strong>r must ha<strong>ve</strong> f!owed this mouth for a relati<strong>ve</strong>ly shorttime. In fact, a lagoon located at the edge of this smail delta was used asa harbour until the end of the Ottoman period because the delta had beenabandoned a long time before and consequently had not been sedimentedany more. The trace of the lagoon is evidem as two black patches on theaerial photograph taken in 1948 (Fig. 3).(14) It is part of a building complex, which also includes a caravanserai and II buth, ali built bySokullu Mehmet Paşa in 16 tlı century.161

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