10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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It was Callisthenes, as the chief military historian, who left a considerableamount of infomıation which helps us to identify along which ri<strong>ve</strong>rthe battle was fought.The most valuable information, related to the length of the battlefieldis gi<strong>ve</strong>n by Polybius, based on a statemeııt of Callisthenes "the distancefrom the sea to me foothills of tlıe Amanus range at the point where theri<strong>ve</strong>r crosses the coastal plain is not more than 14 stades"!' (2.6 km)(P.12.17.4). Callisthenes' measıırement suggests that the Payas ri<strong>ve</strong>r wasthe ancient Pinarııs, although the present length of the ri<strong>ve</strong>r plain hasreached about 4.1 km due to progradation of its delta since 333 BC (Figs.2,5). When we compare the distarıce gi<strong>ve</strong>n by Callisthenes witlı thepresent length of the ri<strong>ve</strong>rs of the plain of Issus, it becomes evident matthe Payas ri<strong>ve</strong>r is the most probable candidate for Pinarus. The presentdistances of the ri<strong>ve</strong>rs from north to south are: Deliçay; 8.5 km , Ozerliçay: 6.5 km, Kuru çay: 4 km and the Payas çay 4 km (Fig. 2). Althoughthe length of the present plain of Kuru çay is the same as the presentplain of Payas, two additional descriptions, one gi<strong>ve</strong>n by Callisthenes,. the other gi<strong>ve</strong>n by Arrian, compel us to disıniss Kuru çay. Callisthenesirıdicates that the Pinarus ri<strong>ve</strong>r was flowing obliqııely to the coast duringthe battle. In figııres 2 and 3, it can be seen that the first 2.6 km of thePayas ri<strong>ve</strong>r from the foothills of the Amanus run obliquely to the coast ina SE-NW direction. Kuru çay does not show sııch a pecııliarity (Fig.2).Arrian states "He (Darius) also stationed aboııt 20.000 men on the ridgeon his left o<strong>ve</strong>r against Alexander's right: some of these actually got tothe rear of Alexander's force, since the moııntain ridge where they wereposted was deeply indented in one paıt and foımed something like a bayas in the sea: Then bending outwards, again it broııght those posted onthe foothills to the rear of Alexander's right wirıg" (A. 2.8.7). Indeed, thefoothills of me Amanus Moııntains, which are mainly seen in the foım ofsteep colluvial fans, spread out in a sickle shape towards the sea on mesoutherrı bank of the Payas ri<strong>ve</strong>r (Figs. 2,3,5). The situation is the re<strong>ve</strong>rsein me case of Kuru çay: The hills of the Amanus chain bend towards thewest on the northern bank of the ri<strong>ve</strong>r (Fig. 2). On the grounds of meabo<strong>ve</strong>-mentioned explanation we may dismiss the identification of Kuruçay as Pinarus.(11) We must trust Callisthenes' information bccausc. as wc know, Alexander paid professionalGreek survcyors. the Bematisıs, lo measure distances İn tlie land accurately by paciııg. Cal­Iisthenes gi<strong>ve</strong>s an approximatc mcasurement of the Pinarus plain, omitting windings of theri<strong>ve</strong>r bed. becausc the dangerous conditions on the battlcficld precluded a detailed sur<strong>ve</strong>y.159

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