10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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esult of insufficient caıtographic material. For these reasons, the modernscholars, predominantly historians, suggested different ri<strong>ve</strong>rs of the plainof Issus as the ancient PinanıS, although theyall used the same ancientsources.The identification of the Pinarus ri<strong>ve</strong>r as the modern Payas ri<strong>ve</strong>r isthe result of out geomorphological/archaeological sur<strong>ve</strong>y with referenceto ancient and modem sources This identification has been previouslymade by some scholars. Howe<strong>ve</strong>r, impoıtant mistakes are evidem in theirwork, which arise from a lack of knowledge of the coastal geomorphology,in paıticular regarding the progradation of the ri<strong>ve</strong>r delta.In this paper, we will limit our infoımation to the ancient sources,and evaluate the work of the modern writers, who did valuable studiesand identified the Payas ri<strong>ve</strong>r as the Pinarus. We will also introduce ourown conclusion.Approach to the battlcfieldMost of the scholars are in agreement as to the route to the battlefield, which Alexander followed after passing through the Cilician Gates(Gülek Boğazı). Fig. 1 We will summarise the e<strong>ve</strong>nts after that point: Alexanderpassed the narrow Gülek gorge in Iate June and captured Tarsusin July 333 BC. He suffered from malaria in Tarsus during August andSeptember, After his reco<strong>ve</strong>ry (mid October) he sent Parmenio, his general,to hold the passes in Eastern Cilicia, while he marched west and tooko<strong>ve</strong>r the cities in Cilicia Tracheia up to the Calycadnus (Göksu) ri<strong>ve</strong>r, Onhis way back he held a national festival at Soli (Pompeipolis, near modernViranşehir) in early No<strong>ve</strong>mber, and came back to Tarsus again.In the meantime, Parmenio captured two Greek cities, Magarsus(Karataş) and Mallus (Misis) as well as the Karakapı Pass' leading fromCilicia into the plain of Issus -and afterwards occupied Castabalum- onthe Persian royal road. Then, he marched through the plain of Issus' andoccupied the Jonah Pass'' then turning back to Issus", Leaving Tarsus, AI-(3) The end of the Akpınar valley at the eastern boundary of the Ceyhan Doruk Plairı.(4) Muttalip Höyük; situated İn the field of Toros Gübre Sanayii A. Ş. located in the NE cornerof ıskenderunBay.(5) The coastal plain which cxtends betwcen the towns ofDörtyol and Payas.(6) The gorge of Derebani Dere, which terminates in Sariseki town, ubout 11 km north of ıskenderun.(7) Most probably Kinct Höyük near thecoast, which İs located İn the field of Delta Petrol A.Ş.about 6 km NWof DörtyoL.156

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