10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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this plain remarkably famous. The location of the Pinarus continues to bea matter of scientific contro<strong>ve</strong>rsy, which calls for further detailed research.Reading of relevant sources and literature was combined with an interpretationof aerial photographs and topographical maps of the area. Weused the aerial photographs in a scale of 1: 40.000 and 1.20.000 whichwere taken in 1948 and 1975 respecti<strong>ve</strong>ly by the Cartography Authorityof Turkey (Harita Genel Komutanlığı). We also used 1:25.000 scaled topographicalmaps of the area published in 1953, 1956 and 1976, whichwere prepared using the aerial photographs taken by the same authorityin 1948, 1953 and 1974 respecti<strong>ve</strong>ly. We carried out field work in August1993. During the field work we were in the most con<strong>ve</strong>nient place, wherewe could cornpare our cartographic interpretations with descriptions fromancient sources, as well as with the conclusions.of modern writers whichwere gathered in advance-.Main Sourcesfor the Baule ofi ssusThe main sources regarding the battle of Issus were provided by ancienthistorians. These are as follows:Arisıobıüus: (Fourth century Be). A witness of the battle who participatedas one of Alexander's generals. His reports ha<strong>ve</strong> been transmittedto us by Ardan.Arrian: (95-175 AD). A historian who li<strong>ve</strong>d in Nikomedia (İznik)and transmitted detail information about the battle in his book, AnabasisAlexandri which is based mainıyon the statements of Ptolemy and Aristobulus.The battle of Issus: 'ii. 6-12'.Callisthencs (360-3287 BC): The court historian of Alexander whowas in charge of the battle. He rcported the tactics and logistics of thebattle and also gaye descriptions and measurements of the battlefield andits surroundings. His documents ha<strong>ve</strong> not survi<strong>ve</strong>d, but they were paraphrasedby Polybius.Curtius (First century Be): He wrote: Historae Aiexandri MagniMacedonis,A History of Alexander, (Books I-IV), Vol I. The battle ofIssus:'iii. 7-11'.(2) We would likc to tharık Prof. Haınmond for his helpful letrer reagarding up-to-date bibliographyccnceruingthe battle.154

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