10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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est be explained by a sharp fall-off in ground le<strong>ve</strong>l at that end of thebuilding and the need for strong protection against high seas.There is one further piece of evidence for the condition of the shorelinein the city's pası. In 1987 winter st01111S swept away much of theshingle at the south end of the beach where it meets the steep slope of theacropolis on the cape. As a result, onlyananow band of beach was leftbetween the sea and the east face of the ancient sea-wall (Fig. 5). Thisphenomenon exposed many fragnıents of ancient architecture, co1umndrums and bases, corııices and pieces of enrablature Iying on the sandysea-bottom and projecting from the ımıch reduced gra<strong>ve</strong>l on the beach.The return of the gra<strong>ve</strong>l during the following winter co<strong>ve</strong>red them againand they ha<strong>ve</strong> not reappeared since, The circumstance that depositedthese pieces on the sea-bed and the date of its occurrence are alike unknown,but there is reason to suppose that it occurred at the <strong>ve</strong>ry end ofthe cornmunity's life, perhaps towards the end of the thirteenth century,when the finer masonry was being systematically remo<strong>ve</strong>d from the siteby the Karamanoğlu authorities engaged at the time in building the newcasıle known as Mamure Kale at the opposite end of the plain. Materialfrom Anemurium was extensi<strong>ve</strong>ly employed in the Iower courses of thecastle, much of it still visible. One can readily inıagine the intense activityinvo1<strong>ve</strong>d in transferring these large and heavy spolia from the ancientsite to the new castle. lt is also easy to conjecture the occasional accidentwhen a boat capsized, tipping its load into thesea. The closeness of thesefragments to the sea-wall suggests that the boats may e<strong>ve</strong>n ha<strong>ve</strong> beenable to tie up to the sea-wall itself, which would ha<strong>ve</strong> provided a <strong>ve</strong>rycon<strong>ve</strong>nient platfornı for moving the blocks on board. This scenario isbest understood if we suppose that the sea at that time flowed right up tothe sea-wall, and that little, if any, of the present beach had as yet takenshape.Changes in the Shore-line ofAnemurium in Modern TimesMeasurement and interpretation of the changes in shore-line at Anemuriumin recent decades were realized by S.Ozaner. In order to documentcoastal change along the sea-front at Anemuriunı in modern times,eight reference points were established at regular intervals fronı south tonorth (Figs. 1 and 2). With one exception (no. 8), a modern beach buiIding,the reference points were tied to stnıctures belonging to the ancientcity; nos. 1-3 are points on the ancient sea-wall, nos. 4 and 5 are baırelvaultedstrııctııres, no. 6 is a cuıvilinear wall of a theatre-Iike structureand no. 7 a large single tonıb. The distance of tlıese fixed points fronı thesea as measııred in a series of large-scale plans and aerial photographs139

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