10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

10. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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*DIACHRONIC STUDY OF COASTAL CHANGESAT ANEMURIUM: GEOMORPHOLOGICAL ANDARCHAEOLOGICAL APPLICATIONSIntroductionF.Sanca,. OZANER *James RUSSELLAs a result of collaborati<strong>ve</strong> in<strong>ve</strong>stigations conducted along thestretch of coast fronting the ancient site of Anemurium in July 1993, it ispossible to document the changing character of the shore-line at variousperiods in the city's history from the mid-third century after Christ up tothe present time. The resulting information is especially re<strong>ve</strong>aling in lightof the serious erosion that has occurred along this coast in recent decades.The elucidation of the city's shore-line during the Iate Roman andmediaeval periods is based on the interpretation of archaeological evidenceby James Russell who has directed excavations at Anemuriumsince 1970. Changes in the configuration of the shore-line in recent decadesha<strong>ve</strong> been established by geomorphologist ESancar Ozaner as partof a larger project of in<strong>ve</strong>stigation of coastal erosion between Cape Anamur(Mersin) and Samandağ (Antakya) carried out in 1992-1993. ıF.Sancar OZANER. M.T.A. Genel Müdürliiğü 06520 - ANKARAProf. Dr. James RUSSEL, Department of Classics. Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity of British Cclumbia. VAN­COUVER. B.C..CANADA(1) This in<strong>ve</strong>stigaticn was carricd out in conjunction with a study senson al Anemurium directedby J.Russell dcvotcd largcly to the drawing of architectural fragments. The col­Iaboratiorı wns fucilitatcd by ıl visit lo Anamur by S.Ozaner to rakc measurements İn thedistrict related lo his ccastal crosion project. J.Russell İs dccply grateful to the Anıtlar <strong>ve</strong>Mllzelcr Genel Müdürlüğü for permission to conduct research at Anemurium; he alsa acknowlcdgeswith gratitude the financia! assistanca İn the fonu of research grants provided bythe Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity of British Columbia and Dumbarton Oaks Rescarch Center. Washington.D.Ç. S.Ozaner wishes to thank the Scientific and Technical Resenrch Council of Turkey(TUBITAK) for financial supporr of his project. Both authors alsa wish to thank Bay RamazanPeker, Director of the Anamur Museum. for kindly putring various services of theMuseuın at their disposal. and Bay Vehbi Uysal. Rcsearch Associate of the Anamur Museum,for kindly serving as temsilci during the project and for assisting the research in otherways.135

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