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ankara ünġversġtesġ sġyasal bġlgġler fakültesġ - Siyasal Bilgiler ...

ankara ünġversġtesġ sġyasal bġlgġler fakültesġ - Siyasal Bilgiler ...

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Bildiri: Özkanlı, Ö., A. Goranssen,, M.de LourdesMachado-Taylor, S. Riordan, “Changes in LeadershipRoles” in “Gender, Power and Management:Interventions to Counter Exclusions in HigherEducation” Round Table, Women‟s World 2011Congress, Ottawa, Kanada, 2-10 Temmuz2011(BAġARI HĠSSESĠ).Bildiri: Machado-Taylor, M.de Lourdes, Özkanlı, Ö.,“Gender and Academic Career in Higher Education: AComparative View from Portugal and Turkey”,International Higher Education Congress: New Trendsand Issues, Ġstanbul, , 27-29 Mayıs 2011.Bildiri: T.Gülsoy, Özkanlı, Ö., R.Lynch, “InternationalBranding Strategies of Developing Countries: The Caseof Arçelik”, 7 th International Strategic ManagementConference Proceedings Book, Paris, France, 30Haziran- 2 Temmuz 2011.Bildiri: Özkanlı, Ö., “Gender, Power and Management:An Analysis of Turkish Higher Education”, Meeting ofInvestigators Eight – Country Study on Women inSenior Management in Higher Education, UppsalaUniversity, Uppsala, Ġsveç, 8-12 Nisan 2010.Bildiri: Özkanlı, Ö., T.Gülsoy, R.Lynch “EffectiveInternational Expansion Strategies of DevelopingCountries: Turkish Home Appliance Companies and theGlobal Recession”, 6 th International StrategicManagement Conference, St. Petersburg, Rusya, 8- 10Temmuz 2010.Bildiri: Özkanlı, Ö., K. White, M. De Lourdes Machado,B. Bagilhole, S. Riordan, “Governance, management andgender: a cross cultural perspective”, 32nd Annual EAIRForum Valencia 2010 „Linking Society and Universities:New Missions for Universities, Universidad Politécnicade Valencia, Ġspanya 1-4 Eylül 2010.41

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