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Policy and Management, 33:1, ġubat 2011, s.s. 3-16(Kapsanan Endeksler: Academic Search; AustralianEducation Index; Contents Pages in Education; EBSCOOnline; EBSCO CD Rom Database; EconLit; EducationJournal; Educational Research Abstracts online (ERA);e-JEL; ERIC; Higher Education Abstracts; Journal ofEconomic Literature; Research into Higher EducationAbstracts and Sociological Abstracts).Makale: Gülsoy, T., Ö. Özkanlı, R. Lynch, “EffectiveInternational Expansion Strategies of DevelopingCountries: Some Preliminary Evidence from the TurkishManufacture and Export of Television Sets”, Journal ofGlobal Strategic Management, Vol.6, 2010, s.s. 28-51(Kapsanan Endeksler: Google Scholar, RePEc,Scirus).Makale: Özkanlı, Ö., J. Neale, K. White, S. Riordan“Cross Cultural Perspectives of Gender and Managementin Universities”, South African Journal of HigherEducation, University of South Africa (Unisa) Press forHigher Education South Africa (HESA). South Africa,24(4), 2010, s.s. 649-660 (Kapsanan Endeksler: GoogleScholar, RePEc, Scirus).Makale: Karacaoğlu, K., Ö. Özkanlı, “CompetitiveStrategies of the Turkish Manufacturing Enterprises: TheCase of Kayseri/Turkey”, International Business andManagement Journal, Haziran 2011, Kanada, 31 Mayıs2011‟de International Business and Management Journalwebsitesinde(http://www.cscanada.net/index.php/ibm/issue/current)yayınlandı. (Kapsanan Endeksler: AMICUS, APAISCabell's Canadiana DOAJ, EBSCOhost,ERA,GoogleScholar ,Journalseek,Library and ArchivesCanada,Lockss National Library of Australia,Open J-Gate,PKP Open Archives Harvester,ProQuest,Standard39

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