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ankara ünġversġtesġ sġyasal bġlgġler fakültesġ - Siyasal Bilgiler ...

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Alper ÖZER Bildiri: Word-of-Mouth (WOM) in Health CareMarketing: A Study on Dimensions of WOM towardsPhysicians”, 6th International Strategic ManagementConference (Conference Book: pp. 953-960.), July 8-10,St.Petersburg, Russia.Bildiri: Soccer Betting as a Tool of Team Marketing: AStudy on Turkish Bettors” 8th Annual Conference of theSport Marketing Association, October 26-29, 2010, NewOrleans, LouisianaÖzlem ÖZKANLI Kitapta Bölüm: Kate White ve BarbaraBagilhole(Editörler), Gender, Power and Management: aCross Cultural Analysis of Higher Education içindeÖzkanlı, Ö. J. Neale, “Chapter 4- Research Design”,Palgrave Macmillan Publishers Ltd., Londra, Ġngiltere,2011, s.s. 78-90.Makale: Özkanlı, Ö., J.Neale, “Organizational Barriersfor Women in Senior Management: a comparison ofTurkish and New Zealand Universities”, Gender andEducation Journal, Routledge, Taylor and FrancisPublishing Company, Volume: 22, Issue:5, England,2010, s.s. 547-563 (Kapsanan Endeksler: Social ScienceCitation Index; Academic Search; ASSIA; AustralianEducation Index (AEI); British Education Index;Contents Pages in Education; EBSCO Online; EBSCOCD Rom Database; Education Journal; EducationalAdministration Abstracts; Educational ResearchAbstracts online (ERA); ERIC; ERIH (EuropeanReference Index for the Humanities, Pedagogical andEducational Research)International Bibliography of theSocial Sciences (IBSS); Men's Studies Database;Research into Higher Education Abstracts; SociologicalAbstracts and Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts).Makale: Özkanlı, Ö., K. White, “A Comparative Studyof Perceptions of Gender and Leadership in Australianand Turkish Universities”, Journal of Higher Education38

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