Türk ve Japon Modernleşmesi: 'Uygarlık Süreci' - Birikim

Türk ve Japon Modernleşmesi: 'Uygarlık Süreci' - Birikim

Türk ve Japon Modernleşmesi: 'Uygarlık Süreci' - Birikim

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‘UYGARLIK SÜRECİ’ KAVRAMI AÇISINDAN BİR MUKAYESE 35Duben, Alan <strong>ve</strong> Cem Behar (1991) Istanbul Households: Marriage, Family and Fertility, 1888-1940,Cambridge Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity Press, Cambridge.Elias, Norbert (1982) The History of Manners; The Civilizing Process’in 1. cildi, Basil Blackwell,Cambridge. State Formation and Civilization; The Civilizing Process’in 2. cildi, Basil Blackwell,Cambridge.Elias, Norbert (1991) The Society of Individuals, Basil Blackwell, Cambridge.Furuki, Yoshiko (der.) (1991) The Attic Letters: Ume Tsuda’s Correspondence to Her American Mother,Weatherhill, New York.Gabrieli, F. (1960) “Adab”, The Encyclopia of Islam, Brill, Leiden.Güzel, Şehmus (1984) “1908 kadınları”, Tarih <strong>ve</strong> Toplum, 2, 7, Temmuz, 6-12.Hanley, Susan (1986) “Material culture: Stability in transition”, Marius B. Jansen <strong>ve</strong> Gilbert Rozman(der.) Japan in Transition From Tokugawa to Meici Period içinde, Princeton Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity Press,Princeton.Hatootunian, Harry (2000) History’s Disquiet: Modernity, Cultural Practice, and the Question ofE<strong>ve</strong>ryday Life, Columbia Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity Press, New York.Işın, Ekrem (1987a) “Adab-ı muaşeret”, Tarih <strong>ve</strong> Toplum, 8, 44, Ağustos, 31-37.Işın, Ekrem (1987b) “Abdullah Cevdet’in Cumhuriyet adab-ı muaşereti”, Tarih <strong>ve</strong> Toplum, 8, 48, Aralık,13-20.Kunio, Yanagida (1957) Japanese Manners and Customs in the Meiji Era, Obunsha, Tokyo.Lajtha, Edgar (1936) La Vie Au <strong>Japon</strong>, Payot, Paris.Lebra, Takie Sugiyama (1993) Abo<strong>ve</strong> the Clouds: Status Culture of the Modern Japanese Nobility, Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsityof California Press, Berkeley.Mehasin (1906, 1324/1908) Dumarsiyan Matbaası, İstanbul.Ohtuska, Kazuo (1990) “How is Islamic knowledge acquired in modern Egypt? Ulema, sufis, fundamentalistand common people”, Tadao Umesao vd. (der.) Japanese Civilization in the ModernWorld: Culturedness içinde, no. 28, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka.Okday, Şefik (1986) Büyükbabam Son Sadrazam Ahmet Tevfik Paşa, Ata Ofset, İstanbulOrtaylı, İlber (1983) İmparatorluğun En Uzun Yüzyılı, Hil Y., İstanbul.Seidensticker, Edward (1983) Low City, High City, Alfred A. Knopf, New York.Shaw S. <strong>ve</strong> Ezel Kural Shaw (1977) History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, CambridgeUni<strong>ve</strong>rsity Press, Cambridge.Şeni, Nora (1990) “19. yüzyıl sonunda İstanbul mizah basınında moda <strong>ve</strong> kadın kıyafetleri”, Şirin Tekeli(der.) Kadın Bakış Açısından Kadınlar içinde, İletişim, İstanbul.Tedrisat-ı İbdidaiye Mecmuası; Nazariyat <strong>ve</strong> Malumat Kısmı (1325/1909)Toprak, Zafer (1989) “Millî moda <strong>ve</strong> çarşaf”, Boğaziçi, 35-40.Weber, Eugen (1976) Peasants into Frenchmen: The Modernization of Rural France 1870-1914, StanfordUni<strong>ve</strong>rsity Press, Stanford.

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