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AFewWords about Shota Rustaveli's The Knight in the Panther's Skin And its Translator into Kurdish Hardlyany literaryworkthroughout history ofworld literature has ever won such recognition and love in the homeland as it fell to the lot ofthe brilliant epic poem The Knight in the Panther's Skin by Shota Rustaveli, a Georgian poet ofthe Middle Ages. ShotaRustaveli is deservedlymentioned alongwith the intemationalJyknown classics ofworld literature, such as Ferdoussi, Nizami Ganjavi, Shakespeare, Dante and others. The Georgian nation has ancient history and rich culture. Georgia, the native land ofthe Georgians, is situated in the region ofthe Southern Caucasus between the Biack and Caspian Seas, at thejuncture of Europe andAsia, hence, at the crossroad ofworldtrade routes and different religions and cultures. Georgia is distinguished for its remarkable natural conditions, amicable people and varied agriculture. Because ofstrategic importance ofGeorgia's territory, the country often got involved in the sphere of political. economic andmilitaryinterestsofthe other nations. Throughout centuries, Georgians hadto fîght desperately for the defence oftheir native soil from the Romans, By^antines, Mongols, Seljuk Turks and other conquerors who invaded the country with sword and fire. The history ofGeorgian people is a history of a heroic struggle for freedom and independence, to which, from its part, can be compared the destiny ofthe Kurd people. In the 1 1th-12th centuries, Georgia reached the peak ofits political and military power. During this period, Georgjan culture flourished and the country's economy was on the high level ofdevelopment In the beginning ofthe 12th century, a wise politician and brilliant soldier, King David IV the Builder managed to free the country from invaders and thereby completed the unification ofGeorgia's territories and built a powerful Georgian State. In succeeding years ofthe century, in the epoch ofKing George DI andhis daughter, QueenTamar, the entire Caucasianregion, hanianAzerbaijan, Armenia, the southeastern coastal regions ofthe Black Sea and the territory up to Lake Vani came under the Georgian control. The newly formed Trebizond Empire was also dependent ofGeorgia. All that significantly increased Georgia's role and importance. Georgiabecame a strong and influential state ofrich culture in the Middle East and Asia Minor. This period ofGeorgia's historyis not marked with the political and miUtary achievements only, but also withthe development ofGeorgianculture includingliterature, science, philosophy, theology, art; newscientifîc centres came into being and cultural and trade relations withthe foreign countries expanded. It is noteworthy that the Georgian kings, regardless oftheir mihtarymight achieved in that period of historyofthe nation, displayed tolerance to the otherpeoples, respected theirrehgions, languages, cultures andtraditions. 16

The era ofthe reign ofQueen Tamar is truly considered as the "GoldenAge" ofGeorgian culture. Itwas in that period when a number ofgreat scientific, historical and literary works were created, including the crown ofGeorgian poetry, Shota Rustaveli's immortal epic poem The Knight in the Panther's Skin. Shota Rustaveli, the author ofthe Georgian national epic, The Knight in the Panther's Skin, was a contemporaryofGeorgia's Great Queen Tamar, and as is seen from the poem, he was a man ofnoble birth and a trusted person at her court. Very little is known about the life of Shota Rustaveli. According to a suggestion, the author ofThe Knight in the Panther 's Skin was born inc.1162-1166. There is a legend that after the death ofQueen Tamar, in the 1 1 20s, the old poet went to Jerusalem, where he died in the Georgian Monasteryofthe Holy Cross. Shota Rustaveli's name is included in one ofthe documents ofthe Georgian Monastery at Jerusalem and a fresco ofhis image with an inscription is preserved on one ofthe pillars ofthe same monastery. It is evidenced from the poem that its author was a highly educated man who spoke several foreign languages and had an intimate knowledge ofthe ancient and oriental literature and philosophy. The Georgian scholars suggest that the masterpiece ofworld poetry, Shota Rustaveli's epic poem The Knight in the Panther's Skin, was created in the time ofQueen Tamar and her husbandDavid Soslan, c. 1189-1207. It was the image of Queen Tamar that inspired Shota Rustaveli to write the poem, and the author dedicated his remarkable literary creation to Tamar. This is clearly mentioned by Rustaveli in the epilogue ofthepoem. The epic abundantiyevidences that the author ofthis brilhant literarywork is a great humanist ofmedieval world. Shota Rustaveh was among the first who surpassed the ideology estabhshed in his epoch. Through poetry, he glorified loftyhuman feelings - love and friendship, religious tolerance. He sangofthe friendship ofthe peoples, equahty ofrights and respect to a woman in society. Shota Rustaveli inhis epic poern describes the etemal struggle ofgood against the powers ofevil. In this struggle, as is emphasized by the poem's author, the victory over evil, the triumph of love cannot be achieved without friendly fîdelity and valor. Despite ShotaRustaveli's love and devotion tohisnative countryandpeople, nationalnarrow-rnindedness and religious fanaticism is ahen to the author ofThe Knight in the Panther's Skin. The poem is a perfect model ofexpressing sohdaritybetween the nations. The characters are representatives ofdifferentnations, religions and social status groups. However, this does not prevent them from showing unbiased friendship and strong loyaltyto each other. The plot ofRustaveli's poem is set in a wide space including the countries known to us, such as India, Arabia, Persia, China, as well as the fictionaîized lands - Mulghazanzar (Pridon's kingdom), Gulansharo (merchants' kingdom) and others. ShotaRustaveli's epic poemis an immortal hymn in which the author glorifies andpraises valor, heroism, gallantry and fidelity. One ofthe chiefthemes ofThe Knight in the Panther's Skin is possession ofequal rights between man andwoman, upholding ofwoman's honour. By portraying the femaîe characters -Tinatin and Nestan-Darejan, Rustaveli in his poem comes out against lawlessness ofwomen enrooted in the eastern countries ofmedieval world. In this case, the author describes the reality ofGeorgia. King George D3, who had no male heir, enthroned his daughter, Tamar. The masterpiece ofGeorgian poetry Shota Rustaverh 's The Knight in the Panther's Skin, containing Ûie ideas common to allhumanity, has exceeded the bounds ofGeorgia and is included in the treasuryofworld literature. The fact that the poem has been translated into many languages proves its universal recognition and significance in world fiction. Now one more translationranks in the collection ofthe Georgiannational epic in foreign languages. The Knight in the Panther's Skin has been translated into one ofthe oldest languages ofthe world, Kurdish. 17

AFewWords about<br />

Shota Rustaveli's<br />

The Knight in the Panther's Skin<br />

And its Translator into Kurdish<br />

Hardlyany literaryworkthroughout history ofworld literature has ever won such recognition and love<br />

in the homeland as it fell to the lot ofthe brilliant epic poem The Knight in the Panther's Skin by Shota<br />

Rustaveli, a Georgian poet ofthe Middle Ages.<br />

ShotaRustaveli is deservedlymentioned alongwith the intemationalJyknown classics ofworld literature,<br />

such as Ferdoussi, Nizami Ganjavi, Shakespeare, Dante and others.<br />

The Georgian nation has ancient history and rich culture. Georgia, the native land ofthe Georgians, is<br />

situated in the region ofthe Southern Caucasus between the Biack and Caspian Seas, at thejuncture of<br />

Europe andAsia, hence, at the crossroad ofworldtrade routes and different religions and cultures. Georgia<br />

is distinguished for its remarkable natural conditions, amicable people and varied agriculture.<br />

Because ofstrategic importance ofGeorgia's territory, the country often got involved in the sphere of<br />

political. economic andmilitaryinterestsofthe other nations. Throughout centuries, Georgians hadto fîght<br />

desperately for the defence oftheir native soil from the Romans, By^antines, Mongols, Seljuk Turks and<br />

other conquerors who invaded the country with sword and fire.<br />

The history ofGeorgian people is a history of a heroic struggle for freedom and independence, to<br />

which, from its part, can be compared the destiny ofthe Kurd people.<br />

In the 1 1th-12th centuries, Georgia reached the peak ofits political and military power. During this<br />

period, Georgjan culture flourished and the country's economy was on the high level ofdevelopment<br />

In the beginning ofthe 12th century, a wise politician and brilliant soldier, King David IV the Builder<br />

managed to free the country from invaders and thereby completed the unification ofGeorgia's territories<br />

and built a powerful Georgian State. In succeeding years ofthe century, in the epoch ofKing George DI<br />

andhis daughter, QueenTamar, the entire Caucasianregion, hanianAzerbaijan, Armenia, the southeastern<br />

coastal regions ofthe Black Sea and the territory up to Lake Vani came under the Georgian control. The<br />

newly formed Trebizond Empire was also dependent ofGeorgia.<br />

All that significantly increased Georgia's role and importance. Georgiabecame a strong and influential<br />

state ofrich culture in the Middle East and Asia Minor.<br />

This period ofGeorgia's historyis not marked with the political and miUtary achievements only, but also<br />

withthe development ofGeorgianculture includingliterature, science, philosophy, theology, art; newscientifîc<br />

centres came into being and cultural and trade relations withthe foreign countries expanded.<br />

It is noteworthy that the Georgian kings, regardless oftheir mihtarymight achieved in that period of<br />

historyofthe nation, displayed tolerance to the otherpeoples, respected theirrehgions, languages, cultures<br />

andtraditions.<br />


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