1. Aile ve bağımlılık 2. Aileye yaklaşım - Kültegin Ögel

1. Aile ve bağımlılık 2. Aileye yaklaşım - Kültegin Ögel 1. Aile ve bağımlılık 2. Aileye yaklaşım - Kültegin Ögel


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AİLE Yates W, Cadoret R, Troughton E, Stewart MA (1996). An adoption study of DSM-III R alcohol and drug dependence severity. Drug and alcohol dependence, 41: 9-15. Zeitlin H (1994). Childeren with alcohol misusing parents. Br.Med.Bull. Jan; 50 (1): 139-151. 29

AİLE<br />

Yates W, Cadoret R, Troughton E, Stewart MA (1996). An adoption study of DSM-III R alcohol and<br />

drug dependence se<strong>ve</strong>rity. Drug and alcohol dependence, 41: 9-15.<br />

Zeitlin H (1994). Childeren with alcohol misusing parents. Br.Med.Bull. Jan; 50 (1): 139-15<strong>1.</strong><br />


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