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farklı yaşlardaki okaliptüs ormanlarında mikorizal gelişim ile toprak ... farklı yaşlardaki okaliptüs ormanlarında mikorizal gelişim ile toprak ...

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MAQUERE, V., LACLAU, J.P., BERNAUX, M., SAINT-ANDRE, L., GONCALVES, J.L.M., CERRI, C.C., PICCOLO, M.C., RANGER, C., 2008. Influence of Land Use (Savanna, Pasture, Eucalyptus Plantations) on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks in Brazil 59, 863-877 MICHELSEN, A., and ROSENDAHL, S., 1990. The Effect of VA Mycorrhizal Fungi, Phosphorus and Drought Stres on The Growth of Acacianilotica and Leucaenaleu Cocephala Seedlings. Plant and Soil, 124:7-13. MILLER, R.L., JACKSON, L.E., 1998. Survey of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae in Lettuce Production in Relation to Management and Soil Factors. Journal of Agricultural Science 130, 173-182. OEHL, F., SIEVERDING, E., INEICHEN, K., MADER, P., WIEMKEN, A., BOLLER, T., 2009. Distinct Sporulation Dynamics of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Communities from Different Agroecosystems in Long- Term Microcosms. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 134, 257-268. OLSEN, S.R., COLE, C.V., WATANABE, F.S. and DEAN, L.A., 1954. Estimation of Available Phosphorus in Soils by Extraction with Sodium Bicarbonate. Circular No. 939. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Washington. DC. ORTAS, I., 1994. The Effect of Different Forms and Rates of Nitrogen and Different Rates of Phosphorus Fertilizer on Rhizosphere pH and P Uptake in Mycorrhizal and non-Mycorrhizal Sorghum Plants. Ph.D. thesis 1994, University of Reading, Reading, UK. ÖZCAN, H., ve TABAN, S., 2000. VA-Mycorrhiza’nın Alkalin ve Asit Toprakta Yetiştirilen Mısır Bitkisinin Gelişimi ile Fosfor, Çinko, Demir, Bakır ve Mangan Konsantrasyonları Üzerine Etkisi. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 24:629-635. PAGANO, C.M., and SCOTTI, R.M., 2008. Arbuscular and Ectomycorrhizal Colonization of Two Eucalyptus Species in Semiarid Brazil Mycoscience 49:379–384 POLGLASE, P.J., ATTIWILL, P.M., ADAMS, M.A., 1992. Nitrogen and Phosporus Cycling in Relation to Stand Age of Eucalyptus Regnans F. Muell. 2. N Mineralization and Nitrification Plant Soil 142: 167-176 61

RAICH, J.W., and NADELHOFFER, K.J., 1989. Belowground Carbon Allocation in Forest Ecosystems: Global Trends. Ecol. 70: 1346–1354 RAICH, J.W., and POTTER, C.S., 1995. Global Patterns of Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Soils. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 9: 23–36 RAICH, J.W., and TUFEKCIOGLU, A., 2000. Vegetation and Soil Respiration: Correlations and Controls. Biogeochem., 48 (1), 71-90 RAICH, J.W., SCHLESINGER, W.H., 1992. The Global Carbon Dioxide Flux in Soil Respiration and Its Relationship to Vegetation and Climate, Tellus Ser. B 44, 81-99. RILLIG, M.C., WRIGHT, S.F., NICHOLS, K.A., SCHMIDT, W.F., TORN, M.S., 2001. Large Contribution of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi to Soil Carbon Pools in Tropical Forest Soils. Plant and Soil 233, 167–177. SANTOS, V.L., MUCHOVEJ, R.M., BORGES, A.C., NEVES, J.C.L., KASUYA, M.C.M., 2001. Vesicular-Arbuscular-Ectomycorrhiza Succession in Seedlings of Eucalyptus spp. Braz J Microbiol 32:81–86 SCHAEFER, R., 1967. Caracteres et Evolution Des Activites Microbiennes Dans Une Chaine de Sols Hidromorphes Mesotrophiques de la Plaine d’Alsace, Revue d’Ecologie et de Biologie du sol (IV) 4, 567-592. SCHENCK, N.C., and SCHRODER, V.N., 1974. Temperature Response of Endogone Mycorrhiza on Soybean Roots. Mycologia,66: 600-605. SCHLICHTING, E., and BLUME, E., 1966. Bodenkunliches Praktikum. Verlag Paul parey, Hamburg and Berlin. SMITH, S., and READ, D.J., 2008. Mycorrhizal Symbiosis. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. SMOLANDER, A., KITUNEN, V., 2011. Comparison of Tree Species Effects on Microbial C and N Transformations and Dissolved Organic Matter Properties in the Organic Layer of Boreal Forests. Applied Soil Biology 49: 224-233 TAN, H., 1999. Tarsus-Karabucak Yöresi Buharlanmış ve Buharlanmamış Okaliptus Odununun (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn.) Bazı Fiziksel ve Mekanik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, K.T.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon. 62

RAICH, J.W., and NADELHOFFER, K.J., 1989. Belowground Carbon Allocation in<br />

Forest Ecosystems: Global Trends. Ecol. 70: 1346–1354<br />

RAICH, J.W., and POTTER, C.S., 1995. Global Patterns of Carbon Dioxide<br />

Emissions From Soils. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 9: 23–36<br />

RAICH, J.W., and TUFEKCIOGLU, A., 2000. Vegetation and Soil Respiration:<br />

Correlations and Controls. Biogeochem., 48 (1), 71-90<br />

RAICH, J.W., SCHLESINGER, W.H., 1992. The Global Carbon Dioxide Flux in<br />

Soil Respiration and Its Relationship to Vegetation and Climate, Tellus Ser. B<br />

44, 81-99.<br />


2001. Large Contribution of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi to Soil Carbon<br />

Pools in Tropical Forest Soils. Plant and Soil 233, 167–177.<br />


M.C.M., 2001. Vesicular-Arbuscular-Ectomycorrhiza Succession in<br />

Seedlings of Eucalyptus spp. Braz J Microbiol 32:81–86<br />

SCHAEFER, R., 1967. Caracteres et Evolution Des Activites Microbiennes Dans<br />

Une Chaine de Sols Hidromorphes Mesotrophiques de la Plaine d’Alsace,<br />

Revue d’Ecologie et de Biologie du sol (IV) 4, 567-592.<br />

SCHENCK, N.C., and SCHRODER, V.N., 1974. Temperature Response of<br />

Endogone Mycorrhiza on Soybean Roots. Mycologia,66: 600-605.<br />

SCHLICHTING, E., and BLUME, E., 1966. Bodenkunliches Praktikum. Verlag Paul<br />

parey, Hamburg and Berlin.<br />

SMITH, S., and READ, D.J., 2008. Mycorrhizal Symbiosis. Academic Press, San<br />

Diego, CA.<br />

SMOLANDER, A., KITUNEN, V., 2011. Comparison of Tree Species Effects on<br />

Microbial C and N Transformations and Dissolved Organic Matter Properties in<br />

the Organic Layer of Boreal Forests. Applied Soil Biology 49: 224-233<br />

TAN, H., 1999. Tarsus-Karabucak Yöresi Buharlanmış ve Buharlanmamış Okaliptus<br />

Odununun (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn.) Bazı Fiziksel ve Mekanik<br />

Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, K.T.Ü. Fen Bilimleri<br />

Enstitüsü, Trabzon.<br />


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