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LAWLER, E. E., 1994, “Performance Management: The Next Generation,” Compensation SL Benefits Review MAIORCA, J., 1997, “How to Construct Behavioraliy Anchored Rating Scales BARS for Employee Evaluations,” Supervision 58, s. 15. MATHIS, R.L., JACKSON, J.H. 1991, Personel Human Resources Management. 6th edition. West Publishing Company. USA MEB, EARGED. 2006. Okulda Performans Yönetimi Modeli. Ankara MILLER, G.A., 1956, The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information MONDY, W.,NOE R. M. ve PREMEAUX S. R., 2002, Human Resource Management. Sth Ed., Prentice Hall, NJ MORAVEC, M., 1996, “Bringing Performance Management Out of the Stone Age.” Management Review 85 ÖZSOY, O.,2005. İnsan Kaynakları Yönetiminde Performans Değerlendirme Sistemi Yayınlanmış Yüksek Lisans Tezi,Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara PALMER, M.. J., WINTERS K.T., 1993. İnsan Kaynakları. Çeviren: Doğan Şahiner. Reprosal Matbaası, İstanbul PARTOVI, F. Y. ve BURTON, J. 1993 " Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process for ABC analysis, International Journal of Operations and Production Management RANGONE, A. 1996 " An Analytic Hierarchy Process framework for comparing the overall performance of manufacturing departments ", International Journal of Operation and Production Management SAATY, T.L. ve VARGAS, L. G., 2001, Models, Methods, Concept and Applications of The Analytic Hierarchy Process, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London. SAATY, T.L., The Analytic Hierarchy Process, McGraw-Hill, New York, 37-85, 1980. SABUNCUOĞLU, Z., 2000 İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, 1.basım, Ekin Kitabevi, Bursa 86

SINGH, D. K. ve EVANS, R. P. 1993 " Effective benchmarking: making theeffective approach ", Industrial Engineering, February, 64-66. STRONGE, J.H., 2007, “Teacher Performance Evaluation Handbook”, Bedford County Public Schools, Bedford TAN, R. R. ve LU Y-G, 1993 " On the quality of construction engineering design projects: criteria and impacting factors ", International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management TINAZ, P., 1999, “Performans Değerleme Sistemlerinin Önemi ve Türkiye’deki Uygulamalarına İlişkin Bir İnceleme,” Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi. Sayı 5, 1999, s. 394. TORTOP, N., 2007. İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara TÜRKEL, S., 1980, “Bazı Türk bankalarında Personel Başarı Değerlemesi ve Sorunları”. Hacettepe Univ. idari Bilimler Dergisi. C.l, WILLIAMS, R. S., 2002, Managing Employee Performance. Thomson Learning, U.S.A., WILSON, R. L. 1994 " An improved goal-oriented method for measuring productivity", International Journal of Operations and Management WIMER, S. ve NOWACK, K., M., 1998 “13 Common Mistakes Using 360-Degree Feedback,” Training and Development 52, s. 69. YANG, J. ve LEE, H. 1997 " An AHY decision model for facility locationselection ", Facilities YODER, D., HENEMAN, H.G. TURNBULL, J. ve STONE, H., 1958, Handbook of Personnel Management and Labor Relations.N.W., McGraw-Hill Book Co. 87

LAWLER, E. E., 1994, “Performance Management: The Next Generation,”<br />

Compensation SL Benefits Review<br />

MAIORCA, J., 1997, “How to Construct Behavioraliy Anchored Rating Scales<br />

BARS for Employee Evaluations,” Supervision 58, s. 15.<br />

MATHIS, R.L., JACKSON, J.H. 1991, Personel Human Resources Management.<br />

6th edition. West Publishing Company. USA<br />

MEB, EARGED. 2006. Okulda Performans Yönetimi Modeli. Ankara<br />

MILLER, G.A., 1956, The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some<br />

Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information<br />

MONDY, W.,NOE R. M. ve PREMEAUX S. R., 2002, Human Resource<br />

Management. Sth Ed., Prentice Hall, NJ<br />

MORAVEC, M., 1996, “Bringing Performance Management Out of the Stone Age.”<br />

Management Review 85<br />

ÖZSOY, O.,2005. İnsan Kaynakları Yönetiminde Performans Değerlendirme<br />

Sistemi Yayınlanmış Yüksek Lisans Tezi,Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara<br />

PALMER, M.. J., WINTERS K.T., 1993. İnsan Kaynakları. Çeviren: Doğan<br />

Şahiner. Reprosal Matbaası, İstanbul<br />

PARTOVI, F. Y. ve BURTON, J. 1993 " Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process for<br />

ABC analysis, International Journal of Operations and Production<br />

Management<br />

RANGONE, A. 1996 " An Analytic Hierarchy Process framework for comparing the<br />

overall performance of manufacturing departments ", International Journal of<br />

Operation and Production Management<br />

SAATY, T.L. ve VARGAS, L. G., 2001, Models, Methods, Concept and<br />

Applications of The Analytic Hierarchy Process, Kluwer Academic<br />

Publishers, London.<br />

SAATY, T.L., The Analytic Hierarchy Process, McGraw-Hill, New York, 37-85,<br />

1980.<br />

SABUNCUOĞLU, Z., 2000 İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, 1.basım, Ekin Kitabevi,<br />

Bursa<br />


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