şizofrenik bozuklukta cinsel işlev bozuklukları - Çukurova Üniversitesi

şizofrenik bozuklukta cinsel işlev bozuklukları - Çukurova Üniversitesi şizofrenik bozuklukta cinsel işlev bozuklukları - Çukurova Üniversitesi

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162. Macdonald S, Halliday J, MacEwan T, Sharkey V, Farrington S, Wall S, et al. Nithsdale Schizophrenia Surveys 24: sexual dysfunction. Case control Study. Br J Psychiatry 2003; 182:50-6. 163. Teusch L, Scherbaum N, Bohme H, Bender S, Eschmann-Mehl G, Gastpar M. Different patterns of sexual dysfunctions associated with Psychiatric disorders and psychopharmacolocical treatment. Results of an investigation by semistructured interview of schizophrenic and neurotic patients and methadone-substituted opiate addicts. Pharmacopsychiatry 1995; 28:84-92. 164. Dossenbach M, Erol A, el Mahfoud Kessaci M, Shaheen MO, Sunbol MM, Boland J, et al. IC- SOHO Study Group Effectiveness of antipsychotic treatments for schizophrenia: interim 6-month analysis from a prospective observational Study (IC-SOHO) comparing olanzapine, quetipapine, risperidone and holoperidol. J Clin Psychiatry 2004; 65:312-21. 165. Gades NM, Nehra A, Jacobson DJ, McGree ME, Girman CJ, Rhodes T, at al. Association between smoking and erectil dysfunction: a population-based Study. Am J Epidemiol 2005; 161:346- 51. 166. Ucok A, Polat A, Bozkurt O, Meteris H. Cigarette smoking among patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2004; 58:434-7. 167. Salokangas RK, Honkonen T, Stengard E, Koivisto AM, Hietala J. Cigaratte smoking in longterm schizophrenia. Eur Psychiatry 2006; 2:219-23. 168. Yılmaz E, Zeytinci İE, Sarı S, Karababa Fİ, Çilli SA, Kucur R. Konya il merkezinde yaşayan evli nüfüsta cinsel sorunların araştırılması. Türkiye Psikiyatri Dergisi. 2010; 1-9. 169. Ventegodt S. Sex and the Qality of lLife in Denmark. Arch Sex Behav. 1998; 27; 3:295-307. 170. Laumann EO, Nicolossi A, Glasser DB ve ark. Sexual Problems among women and men aged 40- 80y: Prevalence and correlates identified in the Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors. Int J İmpot Res. 2005; 17:39-57 171. Parazzini F, Fabris FM, Bartolotti A ve ark. Frequancy and Determinants of Erectile Dysfunction in Italy. Eur Urol. 2000; 37; 1:43-49. 172. Shirai M, Marui E, Hayashi K ve ark. Prevalence and corralates of Erecti Dysfunction in Japan Int J Clin Pract. 1999; 102(suppl 36). 173. Feldman HA, Goldstein I, Hatzichristou DG ve ark. Impotence and Its Medical and Psychosocial correlates: Results of the Massachusets Male Aging Study. J Urol. 1994; 151:54-61. 174. Akkus E, Kadıoğlu, Esen A ve ark. Prevelance and Correlates of Erectile Dysfnction in Turkey: population-based Study. Eur Urol. 2002; 41:298-304. 175. Cutler A.J. Sexual dysfunction and antipsiychotic treatment. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2003; 28:69-82. 176. Wesby R, Bullimore E, Earle J, Heavy A. A survey of psychosexual arousability in male patients on depot neuroleptic medication. Eur. Psychiatry. 1996; 11:81-86. 177. Meston C.M, Gorzalka B.B. Psychoactive drugs and human sexual behavior: the rol of seratonergic activity. J. Psychoactive Drugs 1992; 24:1-40. 62

178. Petty R.G. Prolactin and antpsychotic medications: mechanism of action. Schizophr. Res. 1999; 35:67-73. 179. Marken P.A, Haykal R.F, Fisher J.N. Management of psychotropic-induced hyperprolactinemia. Clin. Pharm. 1992; 11:851-856. 180. Rao M.L, Gross G, Strebel B, Halaris A, Huber G, Brauning P, Marler M. Circadian rhythm of tryptopfan, seratonin, melatonin and pituitary hormones in schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry. 1994; 35:151-163. 181. Peuskens J, Sienaert P, De Hert M. Sexual dysfunction: the unspoken side effect of antipsychotics. Eur. Psychiatry 13 1998; 13:23-30. 182. Bobes J, Rejas J, Garcia M, Rico- Villademoros F, Porras A, Hernandez G. Frequency and, managment of sexual dysfunction with antipsychotic drugs in schizophrenic patients: results from the EIRE Study. Presented at the American Psychitric association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 2001. 63

162. Macdonald S, Halliday J, MacEwan T, Sharkey V, Farrington S, Wall S, et al. Nithsdale<br />

Schizophrenia Surveys 24: sexual dysfunction. Case control Study. Br J Psychiatry 2003; 182:50-6.<br />

163. Teusch L, Scherbaum N, Bohme H, Bender S, Eschmann-Mehl G, Gastpar M. Different patterns<br />

of sexual dysfunctions associated with Psychiatric disorders and psychopharmacolocical treatment.<br />

Results of an investigation by semistructured interview of schizophrenic and neurotic patients and<br />

methadone-substituted opiate addicts. Pharmacopsychiatry 1995; 28:84-92.<br />

164. Dossenbach M, Erol A, el Mahfoud Kessaci M, Shaheen MO, Sunbol MM, Boland J, et al. IC-<br />

SOHO Study Group Effectiveness of antipsychotic treatments for schizophrenia: interim 6-month<br />

analysis from a prospective observational Study (IC-SOHO) comparing olanzapine, quetipapine,<br />

risperidone and holoperidol. J Clin Psychiatry 2004; 65:312-21.<br />

165. Gades NM, Nehra A, Jacobson DJ, McGree ME, Girman CJ, Rhodes T, at al. Association<br />

between smoking and erectil dysfunction: a population-based Study. Am J Epidemiol 2005; 161:346-<br />

51.<br />

166. Ucok A, Polat A, Bozkurt O, Meteris H. Cigarette smoking among patients with schizophrenia and<br />

bipolar disorders. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2004; 58:434-7.<br />

167. Salokangas RK, Honkonen T, Stengard E, Koivisto AM, Hietala J. Cigaratte smoking in longterm<br />

schizophrenia. Eur Psychiatry 2006; 2:219-23.<br />

168. Yılmaz E, Zeytinci İE, Sarı S, Karababa Fİ, Çilli SA, Kucur R. Konya il merkezinde yaşayan evli<br />

nüfüsta <strong>cinsel</strong> sorunların araştırılması. Türkiye Psikiyatri Dergisi. 2010; 1-9.<br />

169. Ventegodt S. Sex and the Qality of lLife in Denmark. Arch Sex Behav. 1998; 27; 3:295-307.<br />

170. Laumann EO, Nicolossi A, Glasser DB ve ark. Sexual Problems among women and men aged 40-<br />

80y: Prevalence and correlates identified in the Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors. Int J<br />

İmpot Res. 2005; 17:39-57<br />

171. Parazzini F, Fabris FM, Bartolotti A ve ark. Frequancy and Determinants of Erectile Dysfunction<br />

in Italy. Eur Urol. 2000; 37; 1:43-49.<br />

172. Shirai M, Marui E, Hayashi K ve ark. Prevalence and corralates of Erecti Dysfunction in Japan Int<br />

J Clin Pract. 1999; 102(suppl 36).<br />

173. Feldman HA, Goldstein I, Hatzichristou DG ve ark. Impotence and Its Medical and Psychosocial<br />

correlates: Results of the Massachusets Male Aging Study. J Urol. 1994; 151:54-61.<br />

174. Akkus E, Kadıoğlu, Esen A ve ark. Prevelance and Correlates of Erectile Dysfnction in Turkey:<br />

population-based Study. Eur Urol. 2002; 41:298-304.<br />

175. Cutler A.J. Sexual dysfunction and antipsiychotic treatment. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2003;<br />

28:69-82.<br />

176. Wesby R, Bullimore E, Earle J, Heavy A. A survey of psychosexual arousability in male patients<br />

on depot neuroleptic medication. Eur. Psychiatry. 1996; 11:81-86.<br />

177. Meston C.M, Gorzalka B.B. Psychoactive drugs and human sexual behavior: the rol of seratonergic<br />

activity. J. Psychoactive Drugs 1992; 24:1-40.<br />


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