(123-132) Ekrem ATAKAN, Sibel UYGUR

(123-132) Ekrem ATAKAN, Sibel UYGUR

(123-132) Ekrem ATAKAN, Sibel UYGUR


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Turk entomol derg, 2004, 28 (2): <strong>123</strong>-<strong>132</strong><br />

ISSN 1010-6960<br />

Bazi trips turleri ve predatorlerinin yabanci otlar<br />

uzerinde mevsimsel yogunluklan<br />

<strong>Ekrem</strong> <strong>ATAKAN</strong>*<br />

Summary<br />

<strong>Sibel</strong> <strong>UYGUR</strong>*<br />

Seasonal abundance of the some thrips species and their predators on weeds<br />

The seasonal abundance of some thrips and their predators on weeds were<br />

investigated in Balcah location of Adana province, Turkey in 2001 and 2002,<br />

Thrips species were collected from weeds adjacent to some field crops, vegetables<br />

and orchards at the period between January and September in Research and<br />

Implementation Area of Agricultural Faculty University of Cukurova. Five plants from each<br />

weed species were randomly selected and five flowers or inflorescences with 5 em long of<br />

each five plants were randomly tapped together into white container for 15 sec, Washing<br />

method was used to remove remained thrips in flowers or inflorescences in laboratory<br />

A total of 2,901 adult thrips and 1,287 predatory insects were collected from 857<br />

samples in both years, In this study, 47 weed species were sampled, Frankliniella<br />

occ!dentalis (pergande), F, intonsa (Trybom), Thrips tabac! Lindeman (Thysanoptera:<br />

Thripidae), Aeolothrips spp (A. collaris Priesner and A, intermedius Bagnall)<br />

(Thysanoptera: Aeolothripidae) and Orius spp. (0. niger Wolff and O. laevigatus<br />

(Fieber)) (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) were collected from flowers of 43, 7, 37, 33 and 32<br />

weed species sampled, respectively, Frankliniella thrips species were more abundant on<br />

yellow and multiflowered weed species<br />

The population densities of F. occ!dentalis and T. tabac! on weeds were low during the<br />

winter and then increased to high levels in the spring months, Numbers of both thrips species<br />

on weeds were scarce in summer months in both years, The first adults of F. intonsa were<br />

found on weeds in the May, F. intonsa were mostly collected from a few<br />

* Cukurova Universitesi, Ziraat Fakultesi, Bitki Koruma Bolumu. Adana<br />

e-postc: eatakan@mail cu edu tr<br />

Ahms (Received): 26 042004<br />


Ammi visnaga (L.) Lam., Anthemis arvensis L., Daucus carota L., Malva<br />

sylvestris L., Melilotus officinalis (L.) Desr, Octodium eagyptiacum (L.) DC.<br />

ve Sinapis arvensis L. uzcrinden toplanrmstir. Aeolothrips spp., c;ogunlukla A.<br />

visnaga, Echium plantagineum L.; Orius spp., E. plantagineum, Menta<br />

aquatica L. ve S. arvensis uzerinde bulunmustur (Cizclge 1).<br />

F. occidentalis, 2001 yrlmda agustos ve eylul aylannda en yuksek oranda<br />

toplanrrusnr (C;:izelge 2). Bu zararh 2002 yilmda nisan ve rnayis aylannda % 60,<br />

haziran-eylul donemlerinda ise % 70 uzerindeki bulunma oranlan ile en yaygm tur<br />

olmustur (Cizelqe 3). F. intonsa her iki yilda coqunlukla agustos ve eylul aylannda<br />

dusuk oranlarda bulunmustur (Cizelqe 2 ve 3). T. tabaci, 2001 yihnda, yabanci<br />

ollar uzerinde en yaygm tur olrnus, ocak - temmuz aylan erasmda olan donernde<br />

bitkiler uzerinden oldukca yuksek oranlarda toplanrmstir (Clzelge 2). Bu tur 2002<br />

yilmda sadece mart ve haziran aylannda diger turlcre gore daha yuksek oranlarda<br />

bulunrnustur (Cizelqe 3). Predator turlerden Aeolothrips spp. her iki yilda<br />

ilkbaharda ve haziran aymda yuksek oranda (% SO'nin uzerinde) toplanrrns, yaz<br />

ortasmda ve quz aylannda bulunarnarms veya bulunrna oranlan cok dusuk<br />

olrnustur (Cizelge 2 ve 3). Orius spp. ocak-mart ve tcmmuz-cylul doncmlerinde<br />

esas predator bocek turu olmustur (Cizclce 2 ve 3).<br />

C;izelge 1'In devarru<br />

Tiirismi<br />

He/iotropium hirsutissimum Grau Deced<br />

Hypericum perforatum L<br />

Isatistinctoria L<br />

Lamium amplexicaule L.<br />

Lapsana communis L<br />

Matuo sylvestris L<br />

Matricariachamomi/la L.<br />

Melilotus alba Desr,<br />

Melilotus officinalis (L ) Desr.<br />

Medicago arborea L<br />

Medicago polymorpha L<br />

Mentha aquatica L<br />

Ochtodium aegyptiacum (L ) DC<br />

Onosis viSCOSQ L<br />

Polygonum persicaria L.<br />

Portulaca o/eracea L<br />

Raphanus raphanistrum L.<br />

Reseda lutea L<br />

Salvia honninum L<br />

Senecio vernalis Waldst and Kit<br />

Sinapis arvensis L<br />

Trifolium repens L<br />

Trifolium purpureum Lois<br />

Vida sativa L<br />

Turkce ismi<br />

Kliit bozot<br />

San kantaron<br />

Yabani civit otu<br />

Ballibaba<br />

Tavsen salatast<br />

Yabani ebegGrneci<br />

Hakiki papatya<br />

Aktas yoncasi<br />

Kokulu san yonca<br />

Aqacimsr yonca<br />

Adi yabani yanca<br />

Su nanesi<br />

Misrr hardah<br />

Yaptskan okuz caru<br />

Kirrruzi ayakh kara bugday<br />

Semiz otu<br />

Yabani turp<br />


1999). Tunc (1992), F. tntonsa'nm ocak aYI dismda yll boyunca Antalya ilinde<br />

bulunduqunu bildirmistir.<br />

Cizelqe2 Balcah'da 2001 yl1mdayabancr otlar uzerinden ocak ve eylUlaylan arasmda toplanan trips ve<br />

predator turlerin kompozisyonlannda aylara gore gorGlen degi§imler<br />

Trips turleri" Predator turler"<br />

Aylar Franklin/ella Franklin/ella Thr/ps tabacl Aealathr/ps Or/usspp.<br />

accldentalls Intonsa spp.<br />

Ocak 0.02 0.00 0.98 0.00 100<br />

Subat 003 000 0.97 000 100<br />

Mart 001 000 0.99 0.00 1.00<br />

Nisan 0.D7 0.00 093 0.83 0.17<br />

Mayis 0.09 0.00 0.91 0.86 0.14<br />

Haziran 031 0.00 069 080 0.20<br />

Temmuz 0.16 0.00 0.84 0.57 0.43<br />

Agustos 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 096<br />

EylUl 0.93 002 0.05 0.00 1.00<br />

• Trips ve predator turlerin oranlan (%)<br />

(izelge 3. Balcah'da 2002 Yllmdayabanci otlar uzerinden ocak ve eylul aylan arasmda toplanan trips ve<br />

predator turlerin kompozisyonlannda aylara gore gorGlen degi§imler<br />

Trips turleri" Predatorturler"<br />

Aylar Franklin/ella Franklin/ella<br />

Aealathr/ps Or/us spp.<br />

Thrips tabacl<br />

accldentalls lntonsa spp.<br />

Ocak 100 000 0.00 0.00 0.00<br />

Subat 1.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00<br />

Mart 0.40 0.00 0.60 0.46 0.54<br />

Nisan 0.66 0.00 0.34 0.95 0.05<br />

Mavis 063 0.02 0.35 0.97 0.03<br />

Haziran 0.25 0.01 0.74 0.91 0.09<br />

Temmuz 0.70 002 0.28 0.28 0.72<br />

Agustos 078 0.20 002 000 100<br />

Eylul 0.73 027 000 0.01 0.99<br />

• Trips ve predator turlerin oranlan (%)<br />

F. tntonsa dismda diger iki trips turu, nisan-haziran aylan arasmdaki donern-de<br />

cok saytda toplenrmslardir. Ilkbaharda C:;ic:;ekli yabancr ot turu sayrsindaki ve yogunluklanndaki<br />

artis, trips turlerinin yogunlugunu ve yaygmhklanm da olumlu etkilemis,<br />

her iki tur cok sayida yabanci ot turu uzerinden toplanrmsnr. F. occidentalts ilkbaharda<br />

cicekleri bol ve san renkli yabancr otlarda toplamrken, T. tabaci c:;agunlukla<br />

haziran aymda beyaz renkli c:;ic:;ekleri alan yabanci otlar uzerlnde daha cok<br />


ulunmustur, Yudin et al. (1988), Frankliniella cinsine bagh turlerin cicekli ya­<br />

benet ollar uzerinde ciccksiz olanlara gore daha fazla tcplandiqim; san renkli ciceklere<br />

sahip yabanci ollann F. occidentalis'i daha cok cezbettiqini bildirmislerdir.<br />

Her iki trips turunun populasyonlannm yaz aylannda belirgin olarak azalmasmda,<br />

cicakli yabancr ot tur sayisi ve yogunluklannm ezalrnasi etkili olabilir. Bazi arastmcilar,<br />

tripslerin disandaki kaynaklardan kultur bitkilerine go

enkli kuvat ic;erisine 15 saniye sureyle silkelenmistir. Cicek veya cicek kurneleri, uzerlerinde<br />

trips kalma olaslllgi nedeniyle laboratuvarda yrkarne islernine tabii tutulmustur.<br />

Her iki yilda 857 ornekten toplam 2901 ergin trips, 1287 adet ergin predator bocek<br />

toplanrrustrr. Bu cahsmada topJam 47 yabanci ot turu orneklenmistir. Franklin/ella<br />

occldentalis (Pergande) 43, F. /ntonsa (Trybom) 7, Thr/ps tabacl Lindeman<br />

(Thysanoptera: Thripidae) 37, Aeolothrlps spp, (A. collarls Priesner ve A. Intermedius<br />

Bagnall) (Thysanoptera: Aeolothripidae) 33 ve Or/us spp (0. niger Wolff ve O.<br />

lav/egatus (Fieber}) (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) 32 yabancr ot turu uzerinden toplanmistir.<br />

Franklin/ella turleri san renkJi ve bol cicekli yabancr ot turleri Lizerinden cok sayrda top­<br />

Ianrrustrr.<br />

F. occldentalis ve T. tabacl kl§ aylannda yabancl otlardan dusuk sayilarda<br />

toplanmis, i1kbaharda populasyonlan beJirgin olarak artrrustrr. Her iki trips turu, yaz aylannda<br />

yabancl otlar uzerinde cok az sayIda bulunmustur, F. /ntonsa'mn ilk erginleri mayis aymda<br />

bulunmustur ve c;ogunlukla agustos ve eylul aymda birkac vabancr ot turu uzerinden<br />

toplanrmstir. Aeolothr/ps spp. trips turleri i1e birJikte bulunrnustur ve her iki Yllda haziran<br />

aymda en yuksek populasyon yogunJukJanna ulasrmslardir. Polifag predatorlerdcn Or/us<br />

spp. zararh trips turlerinin bulunduqu donernde daha az sayida toplanrmsttr. Or/us spp.<br />

populasyonu c;ogunlukla yaz aylannda bir cok yabancr ot turu uzerinden toplanrmstir.<br />

T. tabacl 2001 yrlmda baskin trips Wru olrnustur. F. occ/dentalls 2002 mart ve<br />

haziran aYI dismda % 70' in uzerinde bulunma oram i1e en yaygm tur olmustur,<br />

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