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BELLINI, E., NENCETTI, V., CALDERONI, F., MORELLI, D., 2008. First Early Ripening Selections of Apricot Obtained at Florance. XIV. International Symposium on Apricot Breeding and Culture, 16-20 June 2008, Matera (Italy), Abstracts Book. BENJAK, A., ERCISLI, S., VOKURKA, A., MALETIC, E., PEJIC, I., 2005. Genetic Relationships Among Grapevine Cultivars Native to Croatia, Greece and Turkey. Vitis, 44:73-77. BOČEK, O., 1954. Pomologie. Státní Zemědělske Nakladatelství, Praha, CZ. BOLAT, I., GULERYUZ, M., 1993. Selection of Late Maturation Wild Apricot (P. armeniaca L.) Forms on Erzincan Plain. ISHS, Xth International Symposium on Apricot Culture, Izmir / Turkey. Acta Hort. 384:183-187. BOLAT, İ., GÜLERYÜZ, M., 1994. Erzincan Koşullarında Yetiştirilen Hasanbey Kayısı Çeşidinin Döllenme Biyolojisi Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. Atatürk. Üni. Zir. Fak. Der. 25(4):509-519. BURGOS, L., BERENGUER, T., EGEA, J., 1993. Self and Cross Compatibility Among Apricot Cultivars. HortScience 28(2):148-150. CATLING, P. M., POREBSKI, S., 1998. A Morphometric Evaluation of the Subspecies of Fragaria chiloensis. Can. J. Bot., 76:290-297. CHEN, X., WU, Y., CHEN, M., HE, T., FENG, J., LIANG, Q., LIU, W., YANG, H., ZHANG, L., 2006. Inheritance and Correlation of Self-compatibility and Other Yield Components in the Apricot Hybrid F1 Populations. Euphytica, 150: 69- 74. CIPRIANI, G., LOT, G., HUANG, W. G., MARRAZZO, M. T., PETERLUNGER, M. T., TESTOLIN, R., 1999. AC/GT and AG/CT Microsatellite Repeats in Peach [Prunus persica (L) Batsch]: Isolation, Characterization and Cross- Species Amplification in Prunus. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Vol. 99, pp 65-72. COURANJOU, J., 1977. Variétés d’abricotiers. INVUFLEC, Paris, FR. CROUCH, J. H., CROUCH, H. K., CONSTANDH, H., VAN GYSEL, A., BREYNE, P., VAN MONTAGU, M., JARRET, R. L., ORTIZ, R., 1999. Comparison of PCR-Based Molecular Marker Analyses of Musa Breeding Populations. Molecular Breeding, 5: 233–44. 318

ÇETİNER, S., 1981. Türkiye Bitki Genetik Kaynakları Meyve-Bağ Envanteri. EBZAE Yayınları No:19, İzmir. DEJAMPOUR, J., 2001. Determination of Temperature Requirements in Some Commercial Apricot Cultivars in Tabriz. Seed Plant J. Agri. Res. (Iran) 17:12- 20. DEJAMPOUR, J., 2008. Apricot Breeding in Iran for Fruit Quality and Productivity. XIV. International Symposium on Apricot Breeding and Culture, 16-20 June 2008, Matera (Italy), Abstracts Book. DEJAMPOUR, J., RAHNEMOUN, H., GRIGORIAN, V., 2003. Evaluation of Some Physiological Factors in Climatic Adaptation of Almond Cultivars. 1 st National Symposium in Dried Fruit/Nut in Iran (Tabriz). DEJAMPOUR, J., ZEINALABEDINI, M., 2006. Determination of Some Vegetative and Bloom Characteristics of Some Local Apricots in Azarbaijan (Iran) Ecological Conditions. ISHS Acta Hort. 717:63-65. DELLA STRADA, G., PENNONE, F., FIDEGHELLI, C., MONASTRA, F., COBIANCHI, D., 1989. Monografia di Cultivar di Albicocco. Instituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura, Roma, IT. DEVOS, K. M., GALE, M. D., 1992. The Use of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Markers in Wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 83: 567–572. DOĞAN, Y., 2006. Bazı Ceviz (Juglans regia L.) Çeşit ve Genotiplerinin Moleküler Markör Teknikleri ile Karakterizasyonu, (Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilimdalı, Adana- Türkiye. DOYLE, J. J., DOYLE, J. L., 1987. A Rapid Isolation Procedure for Small Quantities of Fresh Leaf Tissue. Phytochem Bull 19:11-15. DOWNEY, S. L., IEZZONI, A. F., 2000. Polymorphic DNA Markers in Black Cherry (Prunus serotina) Are Identified Using Sequences From Sweet Cherry, Peach and Sour Cherry. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 125:76-80. DRAGANESCU, E., COCIU, V., 1997. The Modernizing of the Apricot Assortment of Cultivars in Banat Area of Romania. XI. International Symposium on Apricot, Greece, Acta Hort. 488 (1):149-151. 319

ÇETİNER, S., 1981. Türkiye Bitki Genetik Kaynakları Meyve-Bağ Envanteri.<br />

EBZAE Yayınları No:19, İzmir.<br />

DEJAMPOUR, J., 2001. Determination of Temperature Requirements in Some<br />

Commercial Apricot Cultivars in Tabriz. Seed Plant J. Agri. Res. (Iran) 17:12-<br />

20.<br />

DEJAMPOUR, J., 2008. Apricot Breeding in Iran for Fruit Quality and Productivity.<br />

XIV. International Symposium on Apricot Breeding and Culture, 16-20 June<br />

2008, Matera (Italy), Abstracts Book.<br />

DEJAMPOUR, J., RAHNEMOUN, H., GRIGORIAN, V., 2003. Evaluation of Some<br />

Physiological Factors in Climatic Adaptation of Almond Cultivars. 1 st National<br />

Symposium in Dried Fruit/Nut in Iran (Tabriz).<br />

DEJAMPOUR, J., ZEINALABEDINI, M., 2006. Determination of Some Vegetative<br />

and Bloom Characteristics of Some Local Apricots in Azarbaijan (Iran)<br />

Ecological Conditions. ISHS Acta Hort. 717:63-65.<br />


COBIANCHI, D., 1989. Monografia di Cultivar di Albicocco. Instituto<br />

Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura, Roma, IT.<br />

DEVOS, K. M., GALE, M. D., 1992. The Use of Random Amplified Polymorphic<br />

DNA Markers in Wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 83: 567–572.<br />

DOĞAN, Y., 2006. Bazı Ceviz (Juglans regia L.) Çeşit ve Genotiplerinin Moleküler<br />

Markör Teknikleri ile Karakterizasyonu, (Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Çukurova<br />

Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilimdalı, Adana-<br />

Türkiye.<br />

DOYLE, J. J., DOYLE, J. L., 1987. A Rapid Isolation Procedure for Small<br />

Quantities of Fresh Leaf Tissue. Phytochem Bull 19:11-15.<br />

DOWNEY, S. L., IEZZONI, A. F., 2000. Polymorphic DNA Markers in Black<br />

Cherry (Prunus serotina) Are Identified Using Sequences From Sweet Cherry,<br />

Peach and Sour Cherry. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 125:76-80.<br />

DRAGANESCU, E., COCIU, V., 1997. The Modernizing of the Apricot Assortment<br />

of Cultivars in Banat Area of Romania. XI. International Symposium on<br />

Apricot, Greece, Acta Hort. 488 (1):149-151.<br />


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