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REINHART, C.M. (2002), “Sovereign Credit Ratings Before and After Financial Crises” University of Maryland, p.24. RICHARD, J. Herring (2005), “Implementing Basel II: Is The Game Worth The 314 Candle?” Financial Markets, Institutions&Instrument, Vol.14, No.5, pp.267-287. ROGER, H. Hermansan (1976), Auditing Theory and Practice, İllinois Richard D. Irwing Inc., Homewood, p.14. ROSE, Peter S. (2002), Commercial Bank Management, New York: International Edition, McGraw-Hill, s.168. ROTBERG, H. Eugene (1992), Risk Management in Financial Services, OECD, Paris, p.49. RUSS, Cary (1999), “IRS-Gelirler Genel Müdürlüğü Eğitim Seminerleri,” Seminer Notları, Mart, s.9. SANTOMORE, Anthony (1997), “Commercial Bank Risk Management: An Analysis of The Process,” The Wharton Financial Institutions Center, Feb., s.3. SANTOS, Joao (2000), “Bank Capital Regulation in Contemporary Banking Theory” A Review of the Literature, BIS Working Papers, No.90, p.27. SARTORI, Giovanni (1996), Demokrasi Teorisine Geri Dönüş, Ankara: Yetkin Yayınları, Çev: Tunçer Karamustafaoğlu ve Mehmet Turhan, s.266. SAUNDERS, A. (1999), Financial Institution Management, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, Third Edition, s.2. STANDARTD And Poor’s (1999), “Sovereign Credit Rating” A Primer Sovereign Raitings Services, p.3.

SAWYER, B. Lawrance (1988a), Sawyer’s Internal Auditing, Florida: The Institude of Internal Auditors Press, p.90. SAWYER, B. Lawrance (1973b), The Practice of Modern Internal Auditing, New York: The Institute of Internal Auditors, p.5. SCOTT, Christopher (1996), Internal Audit in a Central Bank, England: Handbooks in Central Banking, p.21. SCAPENS, Robert W. (1992), “The Role Of Case Study Methods In Management 315 Accounting Research: A Personal Reflection And Reply”, British Accounting Review, p.4. SEVİLENGÜL, Orhan (1997), Banka Muhasebesi, Ankara: s.122. SEZER, Halit (2001), “İç Denetimin Fonksiyonel Yapısı,” Active Finans ve Bankacılık Dergisi, Sayı 16, İstanbul, s.20. SHRIEVES, R.E., and Dahl, D. (1992), “The Relationship Between Risk And Capital In Commercial Bank,” Journal Of Banking And Finance, 16, s.439. SONG, Inwon (1998), “Korean Banks Responses To The Strengthening Of Capital Adequacy Requirements,” Pasicif Basin Working Paper Series, Federal Reserve Bank, San Francisco, s.11. SPICER, Baryy H. (1992), “The Resurgence of Cost and Management Accounting: A Rewiev of Some Recent Developments in Practice, Theories and Case Research Methods”, Management Accounting Research, Vol.3, pp.1-37. STANDARTD And Poor’s (1999), “Sovereign Credit Rating” A Primer Sovereign Raitings Services, p.3.

REINHART, C.M. (2002), “Sovereign Credit Ratings Before and After Financial<br />

Crises” University of Maryland, p.24.<br />

RICHARD, J. Herring (2005), “Implementing Basel II: Is The Game Worth The<br />

314<br />

Candle?” Financial Markets, Institutions&Instrument, Vol.14, No.5,<br />

pp.267-287.<br />

ROGER, H. Hermansan (1976), Auditing Theory and Practice, İllinois Richard D.<br />

Irwing Inc., Homewood, p.14.<br />

ROSE, Peter S. (2002), Commercial Bank Management, New York: International<br />

Edition, McGraw-Hill, s.168.<br />

ROTBERG, H. Eugene (1992), Risk Management in Financial Services, OECD,<br />

Paris, p.49.<br />

RUSS, Cary (1999), “IRS-Gelirler Genel Müdürlüğü Eğitim Seminerleri,” Seminer<br />

Notları, Mart, s.9.<br />

SANTOMORE, Anthony (1997), “Commercial Bank Risk Management: An<br />

Analysis of The Process,” The Wharton Financial Institutions Center,<br />

Feb., s.3.<br />

SANTOS, Joao (2000), “Bank Capital Regulation in Contemporary Banking<br />

Theory” A Review of the Literature, BIS Working Papers, No.90, p.27.<br />

SARTORI, Giovanni (1996), Demokrasi Teorisine Geri Dönüş, Ankara: Yetkin<br />

Yayınları, Çev: Tunçer Karamustafaoğlu ve Mehmet Turhan, s.266.<br />

SAUNDERS, A. (1999), Financial Institution Management, McGraw-Hill Higher<br />

Education, Third Edition, s.2.<br />

STANDARTD And Poor’s (1999), “Sovereign Credit Rating” A Primer Sovereign<br />

Raitings Services, p.3.

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