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304 Esaslar Hakkında Tebliğ, 30.06.1998, 23388 (Mükerrer) Sayılı Resmi Gazete. BAŞBAKANLIK HAZİNE ve Dış Ticaret Müsteşarlığı (1993), 3182 Sayılı Bankalar Kanunu’na İlişkin Tebliğ, No: 8, 1 Nisan 1993, 21539 Sayılı Resmi Gazete. BDDK (2002), Bankaların Sermaye Yeterliliğinin Ölçülmesine ve Değerlendirilmesine İlişkin Yönetmelik, 24657 Sayılı Resmi Gazete. BERDİBEK, Yaşar (1998), “Dahili Kontrol Anlayışı”, Eğitim ve Tanıtım Grubu Seminer Notları, TBB Yayınları, İstanbul, Mart, s.13. BERGH, Paul Van Den and Sahajwala Ranjana (2000), “Supervisory Risk Assesment and Early Warning Systems Basel Committe On Banking Supervision” December 2000, Working Papers No.4. BERSTEIN, Peter L. (1996), “The New Religion Of Risk Management”, Harward Business Review, March-April, s.1. BESSIS, Joel (2002), Risk Management Banking, New York, John Wiley Sons Ltd. BEŞİNCİ, Murat (2005), E-Ekonomist Dergisi, 29.03.2005, s.1. BEŞİNCİ, Murat (2005), “Türk Bankacılık Sektörünün Basel II’ye Uyum Süreci”, Activefinans Dergisi, 06.06.2005, s.1. BLACKSTONE, William J. And Others (1994), Bank Control and Audit, Washington D.C.: American Bankers Association Pres, ss.64-65. BLUM, Jurg (1999), “Do Capital Adeqacy Requirements Reduce Risk in Banking?” Journal of Banking and Finance, No.11, p.23.

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BOARD Of Governers Of Federal Reserve System (1999), “Trading and Capital<br />

305<br />

Markets Manuel” Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation,<br />

Page No.3.<br />

BRAUCHLI, Marcus and Others (1995), “Barings PLC Officials May Have Been<br />

Aware of Trading Position” Wall Streer Journal, March 6, p.6.<br />

BOZKURT, Nejat (1998), Muhasebe Denetimi, İstanbul: Alfa Basım Yayım<br />

Dağıtım, s.32.<br />

BUCKLE, M. And Thompson, J. (1995), The UK Financial Systems Theory And<br />

Practice, Manchester University Pres., s.25.<br />

CANDAN, H.(2005), “Risk Based Capital in Turkey”, Risk Management Workshop<br />

Turkey, İstanbul, 9-11 Şubat, p.12.<br />

CARISONA, J. (1992), Deposit Insurance: Theory, policy and Evidence, New<br />

York, Billing and Sons Ltd., p.21.<br />

CARUANA, Jaime (2005), “Overview of Basel II and Its Reflections on Financial<br />

Stability,” International Conference on Financial Stability and<br />

Implications of Basel II, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey,<br />

İstanbul, 16 May, p.2.<br />

CENK, Ali Kemal (2005), “Uluslar arası Bankacılık Denetim İlkeleri ve Denetim<br />

Süreçleri”, Active, Mart-Nisan, p.3.<br />

CLAESSENS, S. and Embrechts, G. (2002), “Basel II, Sovereign Ratings And<br />

Transfer Risk External Versus Internal Rating,” Conforence on Basel II,<br />

Economic Assesssments, BIS Conference Paper.<br />

COLBERT, L.J. and P.L. Bowen (1998), A Comparison of Internal Controls, p.1.

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