Tam Metin

Tam Metin

Tam Metin


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ER, İlker<br />

Master Thesis, Department of History<br />

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Kenan Ziya TAŞ<br />

2008, 104 Pages.<br />

Tereke records are one of the most important source for the Ottoman<br />

social history research. The terekes may be described as a list of every kinds<br />

of goods, commodity, debts and credits which were transferred to ones’<br />

heirs. In this study, it’s aimed at emphasising the potantials of terekes as a<br />

source of social history taking the case of Balıkesir in the second half of the<br />

17th century into a special consideration.. On the contrary the terekes of<br />

other big cities, the Balıkesir terekes are not classified as different defters.<br />

They rather may be found among the kadi sicils as scattered. Therefore the<br />

records between 1670 and 1700 are collected through a strict research.<br />

This work is conducted on the base of the documents. The<br />

assessment and comments are deepened as the method followed here<br />

allows us and it’s been more dependent on the records.<br />

The text consists of two main chapters. In the first chapter, it’s been<br />

concentrated on those who left terekes. In this, the titles&status of the people<br />

and their property situations are considered. Also their family relations are<br />

discussed. In the second chapter, the contents of the terekes are examined.<br />

In this context, estates, cash money, credits, clothing materials, household<br />

goods, crops, domestic animals and other staff are investigated in the light of<br />

the terekes. By doing so, the value of the terekes as a historical source is<br />

explained and the main lines of the daily life in Balıkesir at the end of the 17th<br />

century may be studied.

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