3.Ulusal Hidrolojide İzotop Teknikleri Sempozyumu - DSİ Genel ...

3.Ulusal Hidrolojide İzotop Teknikleri Sempozyumu - DSİ Genel ...

3.Ulusal Hidrolojide İzotop Teknikleri Sempozyumu - DSİ Genel ...


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Maloszewski, P. and Seiler, K.P., 1999, Modelling of flow dynamics in layered groundwater<br />

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Plummer, L.N., and Sprinkle, C.L., 2001, Radiocarbon dating of dissolved inorganic carbon in<br />

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Pollock, D.W., 1989, Documentation of computer programs to compute and display pathlines using<br />

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Scanlon, B.R., Mace, R.E., Barrett, M.E., Smith, B., 2003, Can we simulate regional groundwater<br />

flow in a karst system using equivalent porous media models? Case study, Barton Springs Edwards<br />

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Stamos, C.L., Martin, P., Nishikawa, T. and Cox, B.F., 2001, Simulation of ground-water flow in<br />

the Mojave River basin, CaliforniaUSGS Wat.-Resour. Invest. Rep. 01-4002 129 p<br />

Özbilge T., 2008, Misli Ovası (Niğde) Yeraltısuyunun Hidrojeokimyasal Ve Çevresel <strong>İzotop</strong>ik<br />

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Özyurt N.N., 2008, Residence time distribution in the Kirkgoz karst springs (Antalya- Turkey) as a<br />

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Özyurt N.N., 2005, Aladağ (Kayseri-adana) Karstik Akiferinde Yeraltısuyu Geçiş Zamanı<br />

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Özyurt, N.N. and Bayarı, C.S., 2005. LUMPED UNSTEADY: a Visual Basic® code of unsteadystate<br />

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Özyurt, N.N. and Bayarı, C.S., 2003. LUMPED: A Visual Basic code of LP models for mean<br />

residence time analysis in groundwater systems, Computers & Geosciences 29(1), 79-90.<br />


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