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Bylander, Eric, Modernare rättegång – och bättre? Svensk Juristtidning2007, s. 516–526.Bylander, Eric, Om jävsprövningen i TPB-målet, Juridisk Publikation2009, s. 175–198.Bylund, Torleif, Repetitionskompendium i processrätt (8 uppl.). Iustus2010.van Calster, Geert, The EU’s Tower of Babel – The Interpretation by theEuropean Court of Justice of Equally Authentic Texts Drafted in morethan one Official Language, Yearbook of European Law 1997, s. 363–394.Cappelletti, Mauro, The Judicial Process in Comparative Perspective.Clarendon Press 1989.Caranta, Roberto, [Anmälan av] C-2/06 Willy Kempter KG mot HauptzollamtHamburg-Jonas, Common Market Law Review 2005,s. 179–188.Caranta, Roberto, On Discretion. I: Prechal, Sacha och van Roermund,Bert (red.), The Coherence of EU Law: The Search for Unity inDivergent Concepts, s. 185–216. Oxford University Press 2008.Chase, Oscar G., Discretion in cultural context. I: Storme, Marcel ochHess, Burkhard (red.), Discretionary power of the judge: limits andcontrol, s. 315–335. Kluwer 2003.van Cleynenbreugel, Pieter, The Confusing Constitutional Status of PositiveProcedural Obligations in EU Law, Review of European AdministrativeLaw 2012, s. 81–100.Consolo, Claudio, Discretionary powers and hierarchy of judges: variationson four recent issues arising from case law and legislation (in the threemain civil law systems: France, Germany, Italy). I: Storme, Marcel ochHess, Burkhard (red.), Discretionary power of the judge: limits andcontrol, s. 285–298. Kluwer 2003.Constantinesco, Vlad, L’article 5 CEE, de la bonne foi à la loyauté communautaire.I: Capotorti, Francesco, Ehlermann, Claus-Dietrich,Frowein, Jochen Abr., Jacobs, Francis G., Joliet, R., Koopmans,Thijmen och Kovar, Robert (red.), Du droit international au droit del’intégration: Liber Amicorum Pierre Pescatore, s. 97–115. NomosVerlagsgesellschaft 1987.Craig, Paul P., Directives: direct effect, indirect effect and the constructionof national legislation, European Law Review 1997, s. 519–538.Craig, Paul, EU Administrative Law (2 uppl.). Oxford University Press2012.Craig, Paul och de Búrca, Grainne, EU Law: Texts, Cases and Materials(5 uppl.). Oxford University Press 2011.290

Da Cruz Vilaça, José Luís, Le principe de l’effet utile du droit de L’Uniondans la jurisprudence de la Cour: I: Rosas, Allan, Levits, Egils och Bot,Yves (red.), The Court of Justice and the Construction of Europe:Analyses and Perspectives on Sixty Years of Case-law, s. 279–306.Asser Press 2013.Damaška, Mirjan R., The Faces of Justice and State Authority: A ComparativeApproach to the Legal Process. Yale University Press 1986.Dashwood, Alan, The Relationship between the Member States and theEuropean Union/European Community, Common Market Law Review2004, s. 355–381.Dashwood, Alan, Dougan, Michael, Rodger, Barry, Spaventa, Eleanoroch Wyatt, Derrick, Wyatt & Dashwood’s European Union Law(6 uppl.). Hart Publishing 2011.Davis, Kenneth Culp, Discretionary Justice: A Preliminary Inquiry. LouisianaState University Press 1969.Delicostopoulos, John, Towards European Procedural Primacy in NationalLegal Systems, European Law Journal 2003, s. 599–613.Derlén, Mattias, A castle in the air: the complexity of the multilingualinterpretation of European community law. Department of Law, UmeåUniversity 2007.Derlén, Mattias, In Defense of (Limited) Multilingualism: Problems andPossibilities of the Multilingual Interpretation of European Union Lawin National Courts. I: Kjær, Anne Lise och Adamo, Silvia (red.),Linguistic Diversity and European Democracy, s. 143–167. Ashgate2011.Derlén, Mattias, Multilingual interpretation of CJEU case law: rule andreality, European Law Review 2014, s. 295–315.Derrida, Jaques, Lagens kraft. Brutus Östlings bokförlag 2005.Dougan, Michael, National Remedies Before the Court of Justice: Issues ofHarmonisation and Differentiation. Hart Publishing 2004.Dougan, Michael, When Worlds Collide! Competing Visions of the RelationshipBetweeen Direct Effect and Supremacy, Common Market LawReview 2007, s. 931–963.Dougan, Michael, In defense of Mangold? I: Arnull, Anthony, Barnard,Christine, Dougan, Michael och Spaventa, Eleanor (red.), A ConstitutionalOrder of States? Essays in EU Law in Honour of AlanDashwood, s. 219–244. Hart Publishing 2011 (cit. A ConstitutionalOrder of States?).Dougan, Michael, The Vicissitudes of Life at the Coalface: Remediesand Procedures for Enforcing Union Law Before National Courts. I:Craig, Paul och de Búrca, Grainne (red.), The Evolution of EU Law291

Bylander, Eric, Modernare rättegång – och bättre? Svensk Juristtidning

2007, s. 516–526.

Bylander, Eric, Om jävsprövningen i TPB-målet, Juridisk Publikation

2009, s. 175–198.

Bylund, Torleif, Repetitionskompendium i processrätt (8 uppl.). Iustus


van Calster, Geert, The EU’s Tower of Babel – The Interpretation by the

European Court of Justice of Equally Authentic Texts Drafted in more

than one Official Language, Yearbook of European Law 1997, s. 363–


Cappelletti, Mauro, The Judicial Process in Comparative Perspective.

Clarendon Press 1989.

Caranta, Roberto, [Anmälan av] C-2/06 Willy Kempter KG mot Hauptzollamt

Hamburg-Jonas, Common Market Law Review 2005,

s. 179–188.

Caranta, Roberto, On Discretion. I: Prechal, Sacha och van Roermund,

Bert (red.), The Coherence of EU Law: The Search for Unity in

Divergent Concepts, s. 185–216. Oxford University Press 2008.

Chase, Oscar G., Discretion in cultural context. I: Storme, Marcel och

Hess, Burkhard (red.), Discretionary power of the judge: limits and

control, s. 315–335. Kluwer 2003.

van Cleynenbreugel, Pieter, The Confusing Constitutional Status of Positive

Procedural Obligations in EU Law, Review of European Administrative

Law 2012, s. 81–100.

Consolo, Claudio, Discretionary powers and hierarchy of judges: variations

on four recent issues arising from case law and legislation (in the three

main civil law systems: France, Germany, Italy). I: Storme, Marcel och

Hess, Burkhard (red.), Discretionary power of the judge: limits and

control, s. 285–298. Kluwer 2003.

Constantinesco, Vlad, L’article 5 CEE, de la bonne foi à la loyauté communautaire.

I: Capotorti, Francesco, Ehlermann, Claus-Dietrich,

Frowein, Jochen Abr., Jacobs, Francis G., Joliet, R., Koopmans,

Thijmen och Kovar, Robert (red.), Du droit international au droit de

l’intégration: Liber Amicorum Pierre Pescatore, s. 97–115. Nomos

Verlagsgesellschaft 1987.

Craig, Paul P., Directives: direct effect, indirect effect and the construction

of national legislation, European Law Review 1997, s. 519–538.

Craig, Paul, EU Administrative Law (2 uppl.). Oxford University Press


Craig, Paul och de Búrca, Grainne, EU Law: Texts, Cases and Materials

(5 uppl.). Oxford University Press 2011.


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