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Bobek, Michal, Why There is No Principle of “Procedural Autonomy” of

the Member States. I: Micklitz, Hans-W. och de Witte, Bruno (red.),

The European Court of Justice and the Autonomy of the Member

States, s. 305–322. Intersentia 2012.

Bobek, Michal, Of Feasibility and Silent Elephants: The Legitimacy of the

Court of Justice Through the Eyes of National Courts. I: Adams, Maurice,

Meeusen, Johan, Straetmans, Gert och de Waele, Henri (red.),

Judging Europe’s Judges: The Legitimacy of Case Law of the European

Court of Justice Examined, s. 197–234. Hart Publishing 2013.

Bobek, Michal, The effects of EU law in the national legal systems. I:

Barnard, Christine och Peers, Steve (red.), European Union Law,

s. 140–173. Oxford University Press 2014 (cit. EU Law 2014).

Bobek, Michal, Landtova, Holubec, and the problem of an uncooperative

court: implications for the preliminary rulings procedure, European

Constitutional Law Review 2014, s. 54–89 (cit. E.C.L. Rev. 2014).

von Bogdandy, Armin och Schill, Stephan, Overcoming absolute primacy:

Respect for national identity under the Lisbon Treaty, Common Market

Law Review 2011, s. 1417–1453.

Boman, Robert, Om mellandom och omröstning om omständigheter. I:

Höglund, Olle, Bengtsson, Bertil, Heuman, Lars och Ragnemalm,

Hans, Festskrift till Lars Welamson, s. 79–100. Norstedts Juridik


Bone, Robert G., Who Decides? A Critical Look at Procedural Discretion,

Cardozo Law Review 2006/07, s. 1961–2023.

Briza, Petr, Lucchini SpA – is there anything left of res judicata principle?

Civil Justice Quarterly 2008, s. 40–50.

Broberg, Morten och Fenger, Niels, Preliminary references as a right –

but for whom? The extent to which preliminary reference decisions can be

subject to appeal, European Law Review 2011, s. 276–288.

Broberg, Morten och Fenger, Niels, Preliminary References to the European

Court of Justice (2 uppl.). Oxford University Press 2014.

Bruns, Rudolf, Zivilprozessrecht (2 uppl.). Verlag Franz Vahlen 1979.

de Búrca, Grainne, National Procedural Rules and Remedies: The Changing

Approach of the Court of Justice. I: Lonbay, Julian och Biondi,

Andrea (red.), Remedies for Breach of EC Law, s. 37–46. John Wiley

and Sons 1997.

de Búrca, Graínne, The European Court of Justice and the International

Legal Order After Kadi, Harvard International Law Journal 2010,

s. 1–50.

Bylander, Eric, Muntlighetsprincipen: En rättsvetenskapslig studie av processuella

handläggningsformer i svensk rätt. Iustus 2006.


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