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Adinolfi, Adelina, The “Procedural Artonomy” of the Member States and

the Constraints Stemming from the ECJ’s Case Law: Is Judicial Activism

Still Necessary?. I: Micklitz, Hans-Wolfgang och de Witte, Bruno

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Algotsson, Karl-Göran, Lagrådets politiska betydelse, Svensk Juristtidning

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Andersson, Torbjörn, Rättsskyddsprincipen: EG-rätt och nationell sanktions-

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Andersson, Torbjörn, EG-rätten och den svenska processrätten, Juridisk

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Andersson, Torbjörn, Dispositionsprinicpen och EG:s konkurrensregler: En

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Andersson, Torbjörn, Lagprövning vid ”euroinvändning” i svensk

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Andersson, Torbjörn, Parallel and Conflicting Enforcement of Law. I:

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Andersson, Torbjörn, Axel Hägerström’s Influence on Legal Thinking in

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Andrews, Neil, English civil procedure: fundamentals of the new civil

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Andrews, Neil, Judicial discretion in Common Law jurisdictions: England,

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Arden, lady Justice, Peaceful or Problematic? The Relationship between

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