EN GRUND FÖR ATT VÄXA - Kometprogrammet

EN GRUND FÖR ATT VÄXA - Kometprogrammet

EN GRUND FÖR ATT VÄXA - Kometprogrammet


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Tabell 9. Kostnadseffektivitet i dollar per individ (Aos m fl, 2004).Vinst minus kostnadFörskolebarnEarly childhood education for low income 3- and 4-years old 9 901HIPPY 1 476Parents as teachers 800Parent-child home program -3 890Even start -4 863Early head start -16 203Social barnavårdNurse family partnership for low income mothers 17 180Home visiting programs for at-risk mothers and children 6 077Parent-chilnd interaction thearpy 3 427Healthy families America -1 263Systems of care/wraparound programs -1 914Family preservation services -2 531Comprehensive child development program -37 397Infant health and development program -49 021MentorerBig brother/big sister 48Quantum Opportunities Program -15 022Alkohol och drogerAdolescent transition program 1 938Nothland 1 423Family matters 1 092Life skills training 717STAR 694Minnesota smoking prevention program 506Andra program fokuserade på social påverkan 485TNT 274All stars 120ALERT (Adolescent Learning Experience in Resistance Training) 54STARS (Start Talking Alcohol Risk Seriously) -18DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) -99Kriminalitet och våldDialectical behavior therapy 31 243Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care 24 290Washington basic training camp 22 364Adoelscent diversion program 22 290Funktionell familjeterapi 14 315Andra familjebaserade terapiprogram 12 441Multisystemisk terapi 9 316Aggression Replacement Training 8 805Juvenile offender interagency coordination program 8 100Mentoring 5 073Diversion programs with services 1 865Juvenile intensive probation programs -1 482Juvenile intensive parole -5 992Scared straight -11 056Regular parole -12 47833

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