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Studier i ekonomisk psykotogi: 12167.wanous JP, Poland TD, premack sL, Davis Ks. The effects of met exoectationson new<strong>com</strong>er attitudes and behavlors: A reviewand a meta-anatvsis. Journalof Applied Psychologv'1992;77:288.68. KinickiAJ, carson KP, Bohtander cw. Relationship between an organization,sactual human resource program and emptoyee attitudes. brouo andOrganization Management 1992;1 7:135.69.-Slvery LK. Comparing plateaued and non-plateaued employees. Journat ofManagerial Psychology 1989;4:.12.70. Kahn- H,. Robertson lT. Training and experience as predictors of jobsatisf'action and work motivation when using <strong>com</strong>puters: a correlationalstudy. Behaviour and Information Technotogv 1992;11;53.71. Aie o JR. Computer-based work monitoring: Electronic surveillance and itseffects. Journal of Applied Social psychologv 1993;23:499.72. Aiello JR, Svec CM. Computer monitoring of work performance: Extendingthe social facilitation framework to etectronic presence. Journal of ApptiedSociaf Psychology 1993;23:537-shugars DA, DiMatteo MR, Havs RD, cretin s, Johnson JD. professionalsatisfaction among california general dentists. Journat of Dentat Education1990;'11:661.76.74. Shugars DA, Hays RD, DiMatteo MR, Cretin S. Development ofan instrumentto measure job satisfaction among dentists. Medical cafe 1gg1i2gi728-75. Zaccaro SJ, Stone EF. Incremental validiw of an empiricalty based measureofjob characteristics. Journat of Apptied psvchology lggB;i3:Z4SteighJP. Employee and Joh attributes as predictors of absenteeism in anational sample of workers: The importance of health and dangerousworking conditions. Social Science and Medicine 1991;33:127.77. Roberts JT. Psychosocial effecB of workplace hazardous exposures:Theoretical svnthesis and preliminary findings. Social problems 199!;40:74.78. HallJK, Spector PE. Relationships of work stress measures for emplovees withfie same jobs. Work & Stress 1991;5:29.Duvall-Early K, Benedict Jo. The relationship between privacy and different<strong>com</strong>ponents of job satisfaction. Environment and Behaviof 1992.,241670.90

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