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sjdberg och Lind: Arbetsmotivation i en kriset(onomi238. Guest D. Have British workeB been working harder in Thatcher's Britain?British Journal of lndustrial Relations 1990;28:293.239. Korjenek PA. The relationship between consumotion and workerproductivity: Nutrition and economic approaches. Social Science andMedicine 1992;35:1103.240. Bradley K, Estrin S, Taylor S. Emplovee ownership ano companyperformance. Industrial Relations 1990;29:385.241. Klein KJ, Hall RJ. Correlates of emplovee satisfaction with stock ownershio:Who likes and ESOP most? Journal of Applied Psychotogy 1988;73:630.242. Schuster M. Gain-sharing: the state of the art. ComDensation and BenefitsReview 1986;2:285.243- Hammer WC. New developmenls in profit-sharing, gain-sharing, andemplovee ownership. In: campbell Jp, campbell RJ, ed- productivity inorganizations. San Francisco,CA: Jossey-Bass, 1988: 32a.244. PierceJL, Rubenfeld SA, Morgan S. Emptovee ownership: A conceptualmodelof process and effects. Academv of Management Review 1991;16:121.245. Klein KJ. Employee stock ownership and emplovee attitudes: a test of threemodels. Journal of Applied F,sychotogy 19a7;72:3,19.246. Buchko AA. Emplovee ownership, attitudes, and turnover: An empiricalassessment. Human Relations 1992;45:711.247 - Gelin c, Sundstrom l. Sann agare.Stockholm; Arbetstivscentrum, 1990248. Buchko AA. The effects of employee ownership on employee attitudes: Anintegrated causal model and path analvsis. Journal of Management'1993;3O:633.Studies249. Kelly J, Kelly C- 'Them and us': Social psychotogv and 'The new industrialrelations'. British Journal of Industriat Relations .t99l;29:25.250. Metcalf D. Industrial relations and economic performance. British Journal ofIndustrial Relations 1993;31:255.251. Feder DB, Ferris cR. Integrating O.B. models wlth cognitive approaches tomotivation. Academy of Management Review 1981;6;11S.252. Plawin P, Suied M. Can't get no satisfaction. Changing Times1988lDecembed.103

sjdberg och Lind: Arbetsmotivation i en kriset(onomi238. Guest D. Have British workeB been working harder in Thatcher's Britain?British Journal of lndustrial Relations 1990;28:293.239. Korjenek PA. The relationship between consumotion and workerproductivity: Nutrition and economic approaches. Social Science andMedicine 1992;35:1103.240. Bradley K, Estrin S, Taylor S. Emplovee ownership ano <strong>com</strong>panyperformance. Industrial Relations 1990;29:385.241. Klein KJ, Hall RJ. Correlates of emplovee satisfaction with stock ownershio:Who likes and ESOP most? Journal of Applied Psychotogy 1988;73:630.242. Schuster M. Gain-sharing: the state of the art. ComDensation and BenefitsReview 1986;2:285.243- Hammer WC. New developmenls in profit-sharing, gain-sharing, andemplovee ownership. In: campbell Jp, campbell RJ, ed- productivity inorganizations. San Francisco,CA: Jossey-Bass, 1988: 32a.244. PierceJL, Rubenfeld SA, Morgan S. Emptovee ownership: A conceptualmodelof process and effects. Academv of Management Review 1991;16:121.245. Klein KJ. Employee stock ownership and emplovee attitudes: a test of threemodels. Journal of Applied F,sychotogy 19a7;72:3,19.246. Buchko AA. Emplovee ownership, attitudes, and turnover: An empiricalassessment. Human Relations 1992;45:711.247 - Gelin c, Sundstrom l. Sann agare.Stockholm; Arbetstivscentrum, 1990248. Buchko AA. The effects of employee ownership on employee attitudes: Anintegrated causal model and path analvsis. Journal of Management'1993;3O:633.Studies249. Kelly J, Kelly C- 'Them and us': Social psychotogv and 'The new industrialrelations'. British Journal of Industriat Relations .t99l;29:25.250. Metcalf D. Industrial relations and economic performance. British Journal ofIndustrial Relations 1993;31:255.251. Feder DB, Ferris cR. Integrating O.B. models wlth cognitive approaches tomotivation. Academy of Management Review 1981;6;11S.252. Plawin P, Suied M. Can't get no satisfaction. Changing Times1988lDecembed.103

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