Samuel Costa Nordvall o Peter Landin exjobb vindkraft - CFL

Samuel Costa Nordvall o Peter Landin exjobb vindkraft - CFL

Samuel Costa Nordvall o Peter Landin exjobb vindkraft - CFL

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SummaryThis exam paper is based on the thought about how electrostatic oil cleaning standup against conventional filters on the question of what is best for the oil-hydraulicsystems.Our main question is: Is Kleentek a better option than standard conventionalmaintenance of hydraulic and oil systems from a user perspective?The fact that we don´t have access to equipment for carrying out laboratory workso our content is entirely based on documents and interviews with users of theproducts and representatives from the industry.We begin by introducing you to what we write about. What is electrostatic oilcleaner and how does it work? Kleentek is an oil filter which uses a so-calledcollector which utilizes electrophoresis and dielectrophoresis to separate the dirtin the form of particles from oil. Unlike a conventional filter it operates in thedirection of flow. A conventional filter is just like an oil filter on a car blockingthe fluid so it must go through it and there are different levels of cleaningefficiency to choose from.Then we go in on the interviews we conducted with users of Kleentek and arepresentative from Kleentek. They talk about their experiences of Kleentek andconventional filters. We can conclude that Kleentek, for these two users, providesno added value, but rather seen as an expensive investment where it is hard to seehow it pays off for production. We use both quotes and our own interpretations inorder to get as fair picture as possible. The prices we are taking up in the paperare based on users' statements.When we go into conclusions after reading through and looking back at the work,we can see a bit surprising change. Kleentek does not beat its competitors on thefingers in the sense that users praise the electrostatic solution for oil purification.At least not the ones we have been in contact with. There is no doubt that it is agood product but it is suitable for everyone? Before the paper we both and otherswere in full agreement that Kleentek was the solution that everyone should have,but after interviewing users and dug deeper into the subject, we can say that this isnot the case.

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