Stockholm - SLL Tillväxt, miljö och regionplanering (TMR ...

Stockholm - SLL Tillväxt, miljö och regionplanering (TMR ...

Stockholm - SLL Tillväxt, miljö och regionplanering (TMR ...


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318SUMMARYRegional Development Plan – a ConsultationDocumentThe <strong>Stockholm</strong> Region’s Future also included an outlineprogramme for a new regional plan and a trafficplan. Building on the strategy work and commentsreceived, the Committee for Regional Planning and UrbanTransportation approved the programme for workon a new regional plan, and for work to support economicgrowth, renewal and integration in the region inAugust 1998. In the course of 1999, the programme forfollow-up work on competence and R&D issues, as wellas on the Baltic perspective, was also approved.During the spring months of 1999, a preliminaryplanning outline, Sketch 99, based on municipal viewscollected through a survey, was drawn up and the firstpreliminary analyses edited. Through on-going discussionsin the steering and reference groups, the proposalssubsequently presented in the consultation documentwere formulated.A consultation dossier comprised of five writtendocuments was distributed for comments in the summerand autumn of 2000. They dealt with the five differentthemes of the development plan. The approach ofproducing material for consultation in the form ofseparate documents, which taken together would serveas a basis for a regional development plan, developedgradually.The plan was based on two population developmentscenarios. In the High scenario, the population wasexpected to increase from 1.8 to 2.4 million residents bythe year 2030. Certain proposals concerning economicdevelopment or the educational sector could be implementedin the short term, while the physical structurecan only be changed slowly and with a longer-termperspective.The consultation document included two alternativesfor the physical structure. A polycentric region wasa central idea in both alternatives. To create this, a regionalcentre has to be complemented by sub-regionalcores, which can attract businesses as well as offer a wideselection of cultural activities and services to the variousparts of the region. The various alternatives differedwith respect to the distribution of growth and numberof sub-regional cores. In addition, two alternative transportationnetworks were sketched out, to support thedifferent structural alternatives.The consultation brought forth a broad response andthe proposal generally received significant support.Most of the comments returned were positive towardsthe broad perspective taken and the attempt to presentan overall vision of development. While the trafficissues aroused the greatest interest, this was also the areawhere the possibility of achieving political unanimitywas most clearly absent. Here as well there was broadsupport for the main elements of the proposal. Thegreatest support was given for the proposed resolutionof rail capacity shortage in the so-called “Wasp’s Waist”passing by the island Riddarholmen and Gamla Stan, bybuilding a commuter train tunnel under the inner city.From Consultation Document to RUFS 2001– the 2001 Regional Development Plan forthe <strong>Stockholm</strong> RegionUsing the views put forward during the consultationsas its point of departure, the Office proposed certainchanges and supplementing of the consultation documentto complete the proposal for a regional developmentplan. The assignment of population and housingto the various municipalities was adapted as far aspossible to the indications given by the municipalitiesthemselves in their comments. In June 2001, the Committeefor Regional Planning and Urban Transportationdecided on the emphases further work on RUFSshould have, thereby ensuring political backing for thedevelopment plan.

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