Omslag, Birgitta Mattson - Södertörns högskola

Omslag, Birgitta Mattson - Södertörns högskola

Omslag, Birgitta Mattson - Södertörns högskola


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Bilaga G<br />

Steven Saxonberg<br />

Böcker<br />

The Fall: A Comparative Study of the End of Communism in Czechoslovakia, East<br />

Germany, Hungary and Poland (Amsterdam/London: Harwood<br />

Academic/Routledge, 2001), with a foreword by Seymour Lipset.<br />

The Czech Republic Before the New Millennium (East European<br />

Monographs/Columbia University Press, 2003).together with Mark Thompson<br />

and Juan Lopez<br />

Towards an Explanation of Transitions and Non-Transitions from Communism<br />

(proceedings from symposium at Dalarna College, March, 2001).<br />

The Fall. Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary and Poland in a Comparative<br />

Perspective (Doctor’s dissertation in political science, Uppsala University,<br />

1997<br />

Artiklar i peer review-tidskrifter<br />

“Neo-Liberalism by Decay The Evolution of the Czech Welfare State”, Social<br />

Policy & Administration vol. 43, no. 2, 2009, pp. 186-203. (Together with<br />

Tomas Sirovatka).<br />

“Freedom of Choice through the Promotion of Gender Equality,” Social Policy &<br />

Administration, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 666-679.Together with Tomas Sirovatka,<br />

“Czech Family Policy: Refamilialization in the Face of Contradictory Public<br />

Attitudes”, Journal of Societal and Social Policy, vol. 7, no. 3, 2009.<br />

“Im bardziej rzeczy siê zmieniaj¹, tym bardziej pozostaj¹ takie same Model<br />

szwedzki po zwyciêstwie wyborczym centroprawicy w 2006 r” [The More<br />

Things Change, the More They Stay the Same The Swedish Model after the<br />

Center-Right Electoral Victory in 2006] in Problemy Polityki Spolecznej, nr.<br />

11, 2008, pp. 35-50. Together with Dorota Szelewa,<br />

“The Continuing Legacy of the Communist Legacy,” Social Politics: International<br />

Studies in Gender, State & Society, vol. 14., no. 3, 2007, pp. 351-<br />

379.Together with Tomas Sirovatka,<br />

“The Re-familisation of the Czech Family Policy and Its Causes,” International<br />

Review of Sociology, 2007, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 319-341.<br />

“Post-Communist Welfare Attitudes: Was Czech Exceptionalism a Myth” East<br />

European Quarterly, vol.41,no.1, 2007, pp. 81-115.Together with Magdalena<br />

Waligorska,<br />

“The Klezmer Revival in Kazimierz: Kitch or Catharsis for Poles”<br />

Ethnomusicology, vol. 50, no. 3, 2006, pp. 433-451.Together with Tomas<br />

Sirovatka,<br />

“Seeking the Balance Between Work and Family After Communism,” z, vol. 39,<br />

no. 1/2 2006, pp. 287-313. Together with Tomas Sirovatka,<br />

“Failing Family Policy in Post-Communist Central Europe,” Comparative Policy<br />

Analysis, vol. 8, no. 2, 2006, pp. 189-206.“Transition Matters: Bringing<br />

Welfare Attitudes into the Debate,” European Societies, vol 7. no. 2, 2005,<br />

pp. 287-319.“Attitudes Toward Welfare Policy in Sweden Revisited” in<br />

Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, vol 106, no. 1, 2003-4.<br />

“Model szwedzki ma sie dobrze - wbrew neoliberalnym atakom,” (The Swedish<br />

Model is Doing Well Despite Neo-Liberal Attacks) Problemy Polityki Spolecznej<br />

vol. 7, 2004. pages: 13-31.<br />

“The Influence of Presidential Systems: Why the Right is so Weak in Conservative<br />

Poland and so Strong in the Egalitarian Czech Republic”, Problems of Post-<br />

Communism, vol. 50, no. 5, September, 2003, pp. 22-36.<br />

Wpływ polityki rodzinnej na wolnołć wyboru - Szwecja z perspektywy<br />

porównawczej” [The Influence of Family Policy on Freedom of Choice:<br />

Sweden from a comparative perspective] in Małżeństwo i Rodzina, vol 2, n. 4,<br />

2003, pp. 43-50. together with Jonas Linde,<br />

Politik, ekonomi och samhällets organisering<br />

27 (38)

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