Omslag, Birgitta Mattson - Södertörns högskola

Omslag, Birgitta Mattson - Södertörns högskola

Omslag, Birgitta Mattson - Södertörns högskola


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Bilaga G<br />

Marcus Box<br />

Böcker<br />

New Venture, Survival, Growth: Continuance, Termination and Growth of Business<br />

Firms and Business Populations in Sweden During the 20 th Century, (2005).<br />

Doktorsavhandling. Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen, Stockholms<br />

universitet.<br />

New Venture, Survival and Growth: Development of Six Cohorts of Swedish<br />

Business Firms, 1899-1999 (2001). Licentiatavhandling. Ekonomiskhistoriska<br />

institutionen, Stockholms universitet.<br />

Artiklar i peer review-tidskrifter<br />

“Failing Founders Succession and Small Firm Survival”, Enterprise & Society<br />

(under granskning) (2009).<br />

“Business Growth and the Business Cycle: A Longitudinal Study of the Influence of<br />

Macroeconomic Conditions on Firm Growth”, International Small Business<br />

Journal (under granskning). (2009)<br />

“The Death of Firms: Exploring the Effects of Environment and Birth Cohort on<br />

Firm Survival in Sweden” (2008), Small Business Economics, Vol. 31(4).<br />

”Causes of Selection Amongst Swedish Firms: A Contribution to the Development<br />

of a Business Demography” (2002) [med Karl Gratzer], Scandinavian<br />

Economic History Review, 2002:1.<br />

Kapitel i redigerade volymer<br />

“A Longitudinal Analysis of Selection, Failure and Growth in Sweden During the<br />

20th Century” (2004) [med Karl Gratzer], i Targalski, Jan (red.),<br />

Entrepreneurship, Employment and Beyond 2003. Krakow: University of<br />

Economics.<br />

Rapporter<br />

“Generality, State Neutrality and Unemployment in the OECD” [med Almas<br />

Heshmati och Nils Karlson], Ratio Working Papers No. 124 (2008).<br />

”Lyckliga dilettanter eller kompetenta affärsstrateger Metodologiska och<br />

empiriska aspekter av företagsnedläggningar med hänsyn till strukturella och<br />

externa betingelser” (2000) [med Karl Gratzer], Centrum för bank och finans,<br />

Södertörns högskola, Working Paper 2000:1.<br />

Politik, ekonomi och samhällets organisering<br />

2 (38)

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