Omslag, Birgitta Mattson - Södertörns högskola

Omslag, Birgitta Mattson - Södertörns högskola

Omslag, Birgitta Mattson - Södertörns högskola


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Bilaga E<br />

Jacobsson, Kerstin (2004) ”Between Deliberation and Discipline: Soft Governance<br />

in EU Employment Policy” i: U. Mörth (red.) Soft Law in Governance and<br />

Regulation: An Interdisciplinary Analysis, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 81-101.<br />

Jacobsson, Kerstin (2005) ”Trying to reform the ’best pupils in the class’ The<br />

open method of coordination in Sweden and Denmark”, in J. Zeitlin and P.<br />

Pochet (eds.) The Open Method of Coordination in Action: the European<br />

Employment and Social Inclusion Strategies, Brussels: PIE Peter Lang.<br />

Jacobsson, Kerstin and Åsa Vifell (2005) ”Soft governance, employment policy and<br />

committee deliberation”, in Eriksen Erik Oddvar (ed) Making the European<br />

Polity. Reflexive integration in the EU, London: Routledge, 214-236.<br />

Jacobsson, Kerstin och Eva Sandstedt (2005) ”Upprördhet och moralisk ordning:<br />

Skandalen om politikernas lyxpensioner, i Glenn Sjöstrand (red) FiffelSverige,<br />

Malmö: Liber.<br />

Jacobsson, Kerstin och Niklas Noaksson (2006) ”Kampen om kunskapen: OECD<br />

och EU om arbetsmarknaden”, i: Kloka regler, K. Fernler & C-F Helgesson<br />

(red), Lund: Studentlitteratur.<br />

Jacobsson, Kerstin and Åsa Vifell (2007) ”New Governance Structures in<br />

Employment Policy Making Loose Co-ordination in Action”, in I. Linsenmann,<br />

C. Meyer, W. Wessels (eds.) Economic Government of the EU: a balance<br />

sheet of new modes of policy coordination, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.<br />

Jacobsson, Kerstin and Åsa Vifell (2007) ”Deliberative transnationalism Analysing<br />

the role of committee interaction in soft co-ordination” in I. Linsenmann, C.<br />

Meyer, W. Wessels (eds.) Economic Government of the EU: a balance sheet<br />

of new modes of policy coordination, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.<br />

Jacobsson, Kerstin & Charlotte West (2009) ”Joining the European Employment<br />

Strategy: Europeanisation of Labour Market Policy in the Baltic States”, in:<br />

Martin Heidenreich & Jonathan Zeitlin (eds) Changing European Employment<br />

and Welfare Regimes: The Influence of the Open Method of Coordination on<br />

National Labour Market and Social Welfare Reforms, London: Routledge.<br />

Jacobsson, Kerstin & Håkan Johansson (2009) ”The micro-politics of the OMC<br />

process: NGO activities and the social inclusion process in Sweden”, in:<br />

Martin Heidenreich & Jonathan Zeitlin (eds) Changing European Employment<br />

and Welfare Regimes: The Influence of the Open Method of Coordination on<br />

National Labour Market and Social Welfare Reforms, London: Routledge.<br />

Jacobsson, K. (2009) ”Statens tid: Om politisk tidsförvaltning”, i: Christine Roman<br />

och Lars Udehn (red) Från klass till organisation, Malmö: Liber.<br />

Jacobsson, Kerstin & Charlotte West (2010) ”Europeanization of labor policymaking<br />

in the Baltic States”, in: Bengt Jacobsson (ed) The European Union<br />

and the Baltic States: Changing Forms of Governance, London: Routledge,<br />

98-120.<br />

Jacobsson, Kerstin & Niklas Noaksson (2010) ”From deregulation to flexicurity.<br />

The makeover of the OECD Jobs Strategy”, i:Martens, Kerstin & Anja Jakobi<br />

(eds) Mechanisms of OECD Governance. International Incentives for National<br />

Policy Making, Oxford: Oxford University Press.<br />

Övriga artiklar<br />

Garsten, Christina and Kerstin Jacobsson (2007) ”Corporate Globalization, Civil<br />

Society, and Post-political Regulation: Whither democracy”, Development<br />

Dialogue, Special issue on Global Civil Society: More or Less Democracy, nr<br />

49.<br />

Publicerade forskningsrapporter<br />

Jacobsson, K. (1999) Att förändra sina omvärldsrelationer. En fallstudie av<br />

kommunala energibolag på den avreglerade elmarknaden, Linköping:<br />

Program Energisystem, arbetsnotat 9.<br />

Jacobsson, K. (1999) Employment Policy in Europe. A New System of European<br />

Governance, Stockholm: Score, rapport 1999: 11.<br />

Politik, ekonomi och samhällets organisering<br />

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