Omslag, Birgitta Mattson - Södertörns högskola

Omslag, Birgitta Mattson - Södertörns högskola

Omslag, Birgitta Mattson - Södertörns högskola


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Bilaga E<br />

for Welfare, The Foundation for Law, Justice and Society, University of<br />

Oxford, Oct 11-12 (pp. 15-32 in the Conference proceedings).<br />

Hort, S. (2006) “Storstadssatsningen – ett integrationspolitiskt experiment i<br />

spåren av 90-talskrisen” i Kuusela & Sand (eds) Introduksjon og Integrasjon<br />

– om arbeid med flyktinger og innvandrere i norske och svenska kommuner.<br />

Vallset: Odlanske forlag (ss.27-39)<br />

Hort, S. (2004) ”Western Experience – Eastern Experiment: Welfare State<br />

Theories and Models before and after the ´Decennium Horribile´” in J.<br />

Grioryeva, S. Kuhnle, N. Kildal & V. Minina (eds) Welfare State Developments<br />

in Nordic Countries and Russia: A Comparative Perspective. St. Petersburg<br />

(pp. 25-43)<br />

Hort, S. (2004) “Normative Innovations from Lindbeck to Svegfors – towards a<br />

Dynamic Conservativsm” in N. Kildal & Stein Kuhnle (eds) The Normative<br />

Foundations of the Nordic Welfare Model. London: Routledge (pp. 149-168)<br />

Hort, S. (2004) “Renten in Schweden – auf dem Weg zurück zur Grundrente“ In<br />

M. Opielka (hrsg) Grundrente in Deutschland – Sozialpolitische Analysen.<br />

Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften (pp.167-188)<br />

Hort, S. (2003) “The Welfare State in Sweden” in C. Aspalter (ed) Welfare<br />

Capitalism around the World. Taipei: Casa Verde (with Sang-Hoon Ahn)<br />

Hort, S. (2003) “Back on Track – to the Future The Making and Remaking of the<br />

Swedish Welfare State” in N. Gilbert & R. Van Voorhis (eds) Changing<br />

Patterns of Social Protection. New Brunswick: Transaction (pp. 239-276)<br />

Hort, S. (2001) “Sweden – Still a Civilized Version of Workfare” in N. Gilbert (ed)<br />

Activating the Unemployed: A Comparative Appraisal of Work-oriented<br />

Policies. New Brunswick: Transaction (pp.243-266)<br />

Hort, S. (2001) “La société civile, l´État, et la sécurité sociale en Suéde :<br />

centralisation et décentralisation dans le model sociale scandinave in Un<br />

siècle de protection sociale en Europe. Paris : Association de l´étude de<br />

l´historie de la Sécurité sociale (pp. 49-58) (under the name of Sven E<br />

Olsson)<br />

Hort, S. (2000) “Sweden – From a Generous to a Stingy Welfare State” in N.<br />

Gilbert & R. Van Voorhis (eds) Targeting Social Benefits. New Brunswick:<br />

Transaction (pp.187-209)<br />

Hort, S. (2000) “Work-Friendly Welfare State: Lessons from Europe” in Flexibility<br />

vs. Security Social Policy and the Labor Market in Europe and East Asia.<br />

Seoul: Korean Social Security Association (with Stein Kuhnle and Aksel<br />

Hatland) (pp 3-36)<br />

Publicerade forskningsrapporter<br />

Hort, S. (2006) Experiment, motstånd, makt – det kommunala integrationsarbetet<br />

och storstadssatsningen i Södertälje. Huddinge: Södertörns högskola<br />

(tillsammans med Ali Hajighasemi, Lisa Kings m fl)<br />

Hort, S. (2006) “Förord” i E. Vadelius, E. Ljungar, J. Nilsson och A. Hajighasemi<br />

Parallella processer med sikte på ökad integration – storstadssatsningen och<br />

fallet Jordbro i Haninge kommun. Huddinge: Södertörns högskola (ss.9-10)<br />

Hort, S. (2005) “Förord” i S. Urban, J. Nilsson och A. Hajighasemi (red) Tre<br />

bostadsområden mot boendesegregation. Huddinge: Södertörns högskola<br />

(ss.1-2)<br />

Hort, S. (2005) “After warfare – welfare Excavating the Future of Social Policy in<br />

South Eastern Europe – towards a European Welfare Model” in Stein Kuhnle<br />

(ed) Social Policy Developments in South Eastern Europe: Outside influences<br />

and domestic forces. Bergen: Stein Rokkan Centre for Social Research Report<br />

no 2 (pp.7-25)<br />

Hort, S. (2003) “The Work-Friendly Welfare State: Lessons from Europe“ in K.<br />

Marshall & O. Butzbach (eds) New Social Policy Agendas for Europe and Asia<br />

– Challenges, Experience and Lessons. Washington D C: World Bank (pp 325-<br />

344) (with Stein Kuhnle and Aksel Hatland)<br />

Politik, ekonomi och samhällets organisering<br />

21 (56)

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