Omslag, Birgitta Mattson - Södertörns högskola

Omslag, Birgitta Mattson - Södertörns högskola

Omslag, Birgitta Mattson - Södertörns högskola


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Bilaga E<br />

Yohanan Stryjan (Professor)<br />

Artiklar i peer review-tidskrifter<br />

Stryjan, Y “The Practice of Social Entrepreneurship: Theory and the Swedish<br />

Experience”. Journal of Rural Cooperation. Earlier draft published 2005 in<br />

Wismarer Diskussionspapiere, Hochschule Wismar and electronically<br />

http://www.wi.hs-wismar.de/fbw/aktuelles/wdp/0508_Stryjan.pdf<br />

(2005): ”Socjaldemokracja, rynek pracy i trzeci sector- przypadek szwedzki”.<br />

Problemy Polityki Spolecznej nr 8: 31-46.<br />

(2004) “Il sistema disviluppo della cooperazione in Svezia”. Impresa Sociale<br />

4:141-159<br />

(2003) “Social Cooperatives in Sweden: Etudes in Entrepreneurship”. Meji<br />

Business Review, vol 50 2:209-224.<br />

Böcker<br />

Karafolas, S; Spear, R.; Stryjan, Y. (eds)(2004): Local Society & Global Economy:<br />

The Role of Cooperatives. Editions Hellin, Thessaloniki.<br />

Kapitel i redigerade volymer<br />

2007 “Social Enterprises and Labour-Market Integration in Sweden” In Social<br />

Services and Social Enterprises. The experiences in Europe and Korea. Sung-<br />

Gung Hoe University, Research Center for Social Enterprise. Även koreansk<br />

översättning.<br />

2007 ”The practice of social entrepreneurship: notes towards a resourceperspective”.<br />

In Steyaert, C. and Hjorth, D. (eds) Entrepreneurship as Social<br />

Change. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar<br />

2006 “Which place for social enterprises in a universal welfare state model” In:<br />

Nyssens, M. (ed) Social Enterprises, at the Crossroads of Market, Public<br />

Policies and Civil Society. London and New York: Routledge (proofs returned).<br />

(2005) “Sweden: the dilemmas of Labour-market policy”. in Janowska, Z.,<br />

Cewinska, J, Wojtaszczyk, K. (red): Dysfunkcje Zarzådzania Zasobami<br />

Ludzkimi. Wyd. Uniwersytetu Lodzkiego, Lódz.<br />

(2005) “Szwedzki System Rozwoju Spóldzielczego: Rozwój systemowy I lokalne<br />

umiejscowienie”. L Frackiewicz & A Raczaszek (red) Kapital Spoleczny. AE<br />

Katowice. Pp143-158 (a second, somewhat reworked edition of the paper is<br />

forthcoming).<br />

(2005) "Zentrale Förderung und lokale Eingebundenheit im Gleichgewicht - Das<br />

schwedische System für die Entwicklung von Genossenschaften, ”. in:<br />

Kotlenga S.; Nägele B. Pagels, N.; Ross, B. (eds): Arbeit(en) im dritten<br />

sektor- europäische perspektiven. Mössingen-Talheim: Talheimer Verlag. S.<br />

272-293<br />

(I gave my permission for Japanese, Spanish and French translations which<br />

are under preparation. A reworked version is forthcoming in Swedish).<br />

(2004) "Shakai Minshushugi, Roudou Shijou to Daisan Sector: Sweden no<br />

jirei"("Social Democracy, Labour Market and The Third Sector: Swedish<br />

Case"), in Jiro Yamaguchi, Taro Miyamoto and Minoru Tsubogo (eds.), Postfukusi<br />

kokka to Social Governance, (Post Welfare State and Social<br />

Governance), Minerva Shobo (Publisher), Tokyo.<br />

(2004) “The Practice of Social Entrepreneurship”. Targalski, J. (ed):<br />

Entrepreneurship, Employment and Beyond. Cracow Academy of Economics<br />

Press, Kraków.<br />

(2002) “Places, Networks and the Dynamics of Transformation”. In M Nowicka-<br />

Skowron and R Lescoart (red): Economic Aspects of Industrial Reconversion.<br />

Virton, Belgium.<br />

(2001) “Space, Globalization and the Local: a New Agenda for Entrepreneurship”.<br />

In J. Osinski (red) Globalna Gospodarka – Lokalne spoleczensstwa. Warsaw<br />

Schol of Economics, Warsaw.<br />

Politik, ekonomi och samhällets organisering<br />

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