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9 Citerade arbeten<br />

Banverket & Vägverket. (2009). Prognoser för godstransporter. Borlänge.<br />

Banverket. (2009). Godstransporternas utveckling (inriktning för), Versamhetsystemet,<br />

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BMVBS. (2010). Analyse der verkehrsprognostischen Instrumente der<br />

Bunde<strong>sv</strong>erkehrswegeplanung, Endbericht zum Forschungsprojekt im Auftrag des<br />

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BVU und Intraplan. (2007). Prognose der deutschlandweiten Verkehr<strong>sv</strong>erflechtungen<br />

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BVU, IVV & PLANCO. (2003). BVU, IVV and PLANCO (2003) Die<br />

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CONCEPT. (den 19 9 2011). Finansdepartementets ordning <strong>for</strong> kvalitetssikring av store<br />

statlige investeringer . Hämtat från http://www.concept.ntnu.no/ks-ordningen<br />

CTS. (den 1 3 2011). European and National freight demand models . Hämtat från<br />

http://www.kth.se/abe/centra/cts/seminarier/temadagar/temadagar2011/european-andnational-freight-demand-models-swe-1.71878<br />

De Jong, G., Burgess, A., Tavasszy, L., Versteegh, R., de Bok, M., & Schmorak, N.<br />

(2011). Distribution and modal split models <strong>for</strong> freight transport in The Netherlands,<br />

Paper presented at the European Transport Conference, Glasgow. Glasgow: ETC.<br />

European Comission. (den 28 3 2011). IMPACT ASSESSMENT COMMISSION<br />

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Brussels: European Comission, http://eurlex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=SEC:2011:0358:FIN:EN:PDF.<br />

European Comission. (2011). WHITE PAPER Roadmap to a Single European<br />

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COM(2011) 144 final. Brussels: EUROPEAN COMMISSION.<br />

European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute <strong>for</strong> Prospective Technological<br />

Studies. (2009). Peer review of the TRANS-TOOLS reference transport model (Ibánez-<br />

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Joint Research Centre Institute <strong>for</strong> Prospective Technological Studies.<br />

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Transport, Building and Housing, Berlin. [in German]. Berlin.<br />

Overgård Hansen, C. (den 30 3 2011). Development of a Freight Model <strong>for</strong> Denmark<br />

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Overgård Hansen, C. (den 1 3 2011). Freight modeling and policy analysis in Denmark<br />

(Presentation <strong>for</strong> the CTS seminar). Stockholm.<br />

VTI notat 27-2011 45

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